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kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair

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kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Empty kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair

Post  kauaibonsai Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:26 am

our study group was invited to show bonsai as part of the 2013 garden fair. we were assigned a 20 X 30 open sided tent to use. the rest was left for us to figure out. sharing pictures of the conversion from open tent to display venue plus pictures of some of the 25 trees we exhibited.

best wishes, sam

enclosing the space, dividing the rectangle with partitions
kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04834[/url[url=]kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04835
[url=]kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04845

trees arrive

kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04837
[url=]kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04846

kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04847
kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04848
kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04849

table coverings, trees and accents in place. ready to roll

welcome. bougainvillea, kishu shimpaku

kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04842

wax banyan

kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04850

juniper on rock, olive

kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04851

two cork bark casuarina
kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04852kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04853

kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04854


kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04855


kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04856

cork bark JBP

kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04857


kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04858

kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04864
kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04873acacia farenensiana
kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04861

kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04862

kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04865
ficus on stone
kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04866
thank you
kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04863

Last edited by kauaibonsai on Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:46 pm; edited 1 time in total


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kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Empty Re: kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair

Post  sunip Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:08 am

Hello Sam
Thank you for posting.
Your study group showed a quality selection on that garden fair.
Sunip Wink


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kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Empty Re: kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair

Post  Todd Ellis Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:22 pm

A beautiful group of trees! Any of them yours?
Todd Ellis
Todd Ellis

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kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Empty Re: kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair

Post  Robert Steven Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:23 pm

Thanks for sharing Sam. Nice trees...
Robert Steven
Robert Steven

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kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Empty Re: kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair

Post  John Brocklehurst Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:04 pm

Some very nice trees there Sam, and some very nice ji ita's and root stands.

Thanks for taking the time to post them.


John Brocklehurst

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kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Empty Show

Post  lennard Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:50 pm

Love the trees- most of them have very dramatic nebari, trunk lines etc.

Do you have a close up/bigger pic of the first Ficus?

Very inspirational!



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kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Empty Re: kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair

Post  kauaibonsai Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:50 pm

thanks for the support everyone. john, robert, todd, lennard, sunip.

for john-I made a bunch of those things so we may as well put them to use.

for lennard a closer look at the ficus

best wishes, sam

kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04867kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04868


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kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Empty Re: kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair

Post  kauaibonsai Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:22 pm

or did you mean this one ?

kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Dsc04869


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kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Empty Re: kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair

Post  kauaibonsai Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:26 pm

sorry todd. catching up with my response.

yes. 6 of my trees were selected. of the ones posted these were mine. #1 both greeter trees, #3 juniper on rock, #12 juniper #14 juniper, #15 bougainvillea

best wishes, sam


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kauai bonyu kai at the garden fair Empty Ficus

Post  lennard Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:01 pm

kauaibonsai wrote:

for lennard a closer look at the ficus

Thanks for posting the pic.

The taper on the tree is incredible!


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