Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 2:02 pm

IBC Forum

  • IBC Forum

    Last Posts
  • Forum operation, FAQs and Tutorials

    This forum contains information on how the forumotion system works, including tutorials on such essentials as how to post images. It also includes beginner information, book reviews and other useful general information. Please also post your suggestions for forum improvements/queries here.

    Moderator: Moderators
    36 Topics
    201 Posts
    Fri May 27, 2022 8:36 pm
    noyixogo Advantages of using a Custom Creating Support
  • Top Threads

    A repository of IBC's best threads. These will be moved here from other forums once they have run their natural course there. Examples of threads that will be considered for this forum are threads with a high "educational" aspect, excellent progression sequences, threads featuring unusual or advanced techniques and interesting and /or innovative displays of trees and stones.   
    Moderator: Moderators
    91 Topics
    4746 Posts
    Sat May 13, 2023 2:52 pm
    Michigander First steps to a spruce cascade
  • Members' Trees

    This section is for threads about your own trees, such as bonsai tasks you’ve undertaken on your trees (e.g. defoliating, crown reduction, first styling, restyling, completed work), trees you’ve recently acquired/collected, your trees in autumn colours, etc. Please put requests for styling advice in the Bonsai Questions section; requests for tree identification go in the Bonsai Pests, Diseases and Tree/Plant Identification section and general discussions on artistic considerations in the Bonsai Observations Forum. Please note that trees posted in this forum are open to discussion/critique by other members.

    Moderator: Moderators
    6732 Topics
    80627 Posts
    Sun Jun 30, 2024 10:34 pm
    MrFancyPlants Mugo Pine Needs A New Look
  • Bonsai Questions

    This forum is for questions looking for help or information about trees, bonsai techniques and practices. This is very much a “How do I?” forum and includes requests for help on how to style or develop your tree, or general questions about bonsai techniques, the best soil mixes etc. Requests for tree/plant identification should go in Bonsai Pests, Diseases and Tree/Plant Identification forum.

    Moderator: Moderators
    4708 Topics
    43385 Posts
    Sat Jul 13, 2024 4:56 am
    MrFancyPlants Home Depot Tsuga c.
  • Bonsai Pests, Diseases and Tree/Plant Identification

    Ask about any pests or disease problems with your trees. Remember to include a good description and a well-taken picture of the affected parts to help us identify your problem. Similarly, put requests for assistance in identifying trees and other bonsai plants in this section. Please include good in-focus pictures of the plant so people can assist you better. Including close-up shots of the trunk and leaf arrangement is very helpful.

    Moderator: Moderators
    536 Topics
    4170 Posts
    Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:19 pm
    Vlad Pest or ???
  • Bonsai Contemplations

    This forum is for threads concerning your thoughts and deliberations about the art/craft/hobby of Bonsai in general as opposed to individual trees. It includes in particular the more philosophical discussions on the artistic side of bonsai such as Bonsai: Art or Horticulture? What actually is American Bonsai? etc. This forum could also include pictures or videos of trees that have inspired you (remember the AUP though), items about your benches/winter storage areas, travelogues, the weather, links to other bonsai sites you think people might enjoy and so on. Essentially if it doesn't fit anywhere else, then put it here. This section now also includes show reports.

    Moderator: Moderators
    1722 Topics
    17736 Posts
    Sat Jul 13, 2024 4:53 am
    MrFancyPlants Show us your bench(s)
  • Pots

    Moderator: Moderators
    608 Topics
    9055 Posts
    Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:44 am
    Michigander What type tree for this style pot?
  • 1198 Topics
    10129 Posts
    Fri Dec 25, 2020 6:06 pm
    Chris Cochrane California Aiseki Kai exhibit at the Huntington
  • Display - Tables, Kusamono, Accent Plantings, Scrolls etc.

    For threads on all aspects of formal display, includinggeneral discussions on display aesthetics and theories.

    Moderator: Moderators
    425 Topics
    3424 Posts
    Sun May 21, 2023 3:24 am
    Marty Weiser Formal display
  • 393 Topics
    1960 Posts
    Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:36 am
    Robert J. Baran Scan of Article Needed
  • Recently shared images

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