Create a virtual and fame will follow
Martijn Willems
Kev Bailey
Emil Brannstrom
Joe Hatfield
Luis Fontanills
moshe emergui
Ravi Kiran
Pavel Slovák
Nik Rozman
Ed van der Reek
alex e
Milan Karpíšek
Mario Stefano
Jonny D
Igor Savin
Walter Pall
27 posters
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Re: Create a virtual and fame will follow
Last edited by Luis Fontanills on Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:08 pm; edited 2 times in total
Luis Fontanills- Member
Re: Create a virtual and fame will follow
Last edited by Luis Fontanills on Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
Luis Fontanills- Member
Re: Create a virtual and fame will follow
Last edited by Luis Fontanills on Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Luis Fontanills- Member
Re: Create a virtual and fame will follow
I like Luis' 3rd submission. It reminds me of a "sassy" lady with her hand on her hip. I mean this in no negative manner. I really do enjoy the submission. I enjoy the balance it hold and the space it maintains.
Joe Hatfield- Member
Re: Create a virtual and fame will follow
Just an observation. It's interesting how many of these (great) images look like pine trees, rather than hawthorns or other deciduous trees. I wonder if that says something about some kind of shared ideal of what a bonsai 'should' look like (even though the specific details of the virtuals vary widely).
Tom- Member
Re: Create a virtual and fame will follow
Tom wrote:Just an observation. It's interesting how many of these (great) images look like pine trees, rather than hawthorns or other deciduous trees. I wonder if that says something about some kind of shared ideal of what a bonsai 'should' look like (even though the specific details of the virtuals vary widely).
Hi Tom, this is an area that I am covering in my presentation... come to Bath and make your feelings know in the presentation.
Guest- Guest
Re: Create a virtual and fame will follow
Wish I could - unfortunately otherwise engaged. Maybe next year.
Tom- Member
Re: Create a virtual and fame will follow
Tom wrote:Just an observation. It's interesting how many of these (great) images look like pine trees, rather than hawthorns or other deciduous trees. I wonder if that says something about some kind of shared ideal of what a bonsai 'should' look like (even though the specific details of the virtuals vary widely).
That's because this trunk begs the literati style - normally associated with pines but can apply to other tees such as prunus and buttonwood.
Rob Kempinski- Member
Re: Create a virtual and fame will follow
pascal47 wrote:
Another, which I prefer
This is the Pascal
Mario Stefano- Member
Re: Create a virtual and fame will follow
You get my vote, pinesque or not.
Is that Dexter?
Big Dexter fan here.
You get my vote, pinesque or not.
Is that Dexter?
Big Dexter fan here.
Jeremy- Member
Re: Create a virtual and fame will follow
I have to agree as well, it's a fantastic drawing, BUT!!! Look at the vid.
Guest- Guest
Re: Create a virtual and fame will follow
hi ravi, thank you very much for your comment, although looking back at the video this design might not be very feasible in 3d I personally like dorothy's 2nd entry
- enzo
- enzo
enzo- Member
Re: Create a virtual and fame will follow
will baddeley wrote:
I have to agree as well, it's a fantastic drawing, BUT!!! Look at the vid.
That is true. 3D can withstand Pascal drawing the other side.
Your drawing is the closest, natural growth of hawthorn, but I think it leaves too hard for this elegant tree. I took the liberty and rearrange your little drawing.
No negative thoughts!
Mario Stefano- Member
Re: Create a virtual and fame will follow
Will I have not understoodwill baddeley wrote:I have to agree as well, it's a fantastic drawing, BUT!!!( Look at the vid.)
p@scal- Member
Re: Create a virtual and fame will follow
pascal47 wrote:Will I have not understoodwill baddeley wrote:I have to agree as well, it's a fantastic drawing, BUT!!!( Look at the vid.)
Hello Pascal. I made the same mistake on my first virtual. I chose photo 6 because I thought it showed the best trunk(in profile). Look at the video and you will see how the tree really leans back.
Guest- Guest
Re: Create a virtual and fame will follow
That is true Will, the movement of the trunk is really nice but the top is leaking back into the picture ..
That is true Will, the movement of the trunk is really nice but the top is leaking back into the picture ..
p@scal- Member
Re: Create a virtual and fame will follow
The Joy Of bonsai took place last weekend and after consideration, and viewing the tree and its possibilities the Public's (and Mine) favorite is Eds.
A really great simple solution that is styled exactly as a hawthorn. The audience enjoyed the diverse images supplied by everyone and I think that the idea will be used again.
Thank you everyone who supplied virtuals for the presentation. IBC was heavily promoted during the two presentations I gave.
A really great simple solution that is styled exactly as a hawthorn. The audience enjoyed the diverse images supplied by everyone and I think that the idea will be used again.
Thank you everyone who supplied virtuals for the presentation. IBC was heavily promoted during the two presentations I gave.
Guest- Guest
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