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White pine restyle

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White pine restyle Empty White pine restyle

Post  chris Tue May 29, 2012 9:57 pm

This is a Pine that I worked on 6 years ago, nothing has been done to it since the owner has however looked after the health of the tree well.

White pine restyle Dscf6731

White pine restyle Dscf6732

The first thing was to understand what the owner wanted from the tree. It was decided that I would work on the tree and make some big cuts to bring the foliage back as close as I could to the trunk with in reason at this stage of the trees reconstruction. All wire that was possible was removed.

White pine restyle Dscf6733

White pine restyle Dscf6734

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White pine restyle Empty Re: White pine restyle

Post  chris Tue May 29, 2012 10:06 pm

The next stage was to wire and find a path to an image

White pine restyle Dscf6735

White pine restyle Dscf6736

White pine restyle Dscf6737

At this point there was some big changes to think about, the bottom right hand branch is "handlebaring" and taking away the power of thegreat bottom left hand branch. Also there is a heavy area towards the back of the tree on the left.

White pine restyle Dscf6738

White pine restyle Dscf6739

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White pine restyle Empty Re: White pine restyle

Post  Russell Coker Tue May 29, 2012 10:11 pm

Good God, it never occurred to them to reove the wire?????

That's a nice save, too bad you have to give it back to them.
Russell Coker
Russell Coker

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White pine restyle Empty Re: White pine restyle

Post  chris Tue May 29, 2012 10:12 pm

Taking the right hand branch of would allow the upper branches on that side to be seperated and wired down. I will meet with the owner some time this week and we will talk it through, I hope he will go with the idea as I think it will make a very powerfull image
I will up date when I know more

Regards Chris

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White pine restyle Empty Re: White pine restyle

Post  chris Tue May 29, 2012 10:20 pm

Hi Russ
I know what you mean, but not everyone who keeps Bonsai are so into it as us, the owner of this tree has a great Juniper and a big Elm, they are trees to go with the Koi pond. As I was talking to him about his trees it was so clear that he was understanding the ideas and approach that was needed and just maybe he will take greater interest in future.
I love to work with different people and I am lucky to be in a position to do that

Regards Chris

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White pine restyle Empty Re: White pine restyle

Post  chris Thu May 31, 2012 9:32 pm

After meeting with the owner I was given the go ahead to remove branches.

White pine restyle Dscf6919

White pine restyle Dscf6920

White pine restyle Dscf6921

White pine restyle Dscf6922

White pine restyle Dscf6923

This year its a case of feeding and watering well
All the fine wiring and dead wood carving will be done next year along with a repot and a slight ajustment to the front of the tree. This will only happen if the owner turns up next year . I hope he will

Regards Chris

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