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50 years, please provide me the new design

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50 years, please provide me the new design Empty 50 years, please provide me the new design

Post  hungbonsai Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:27 am

hi IBC
please give me advice and helping to design new committee
50 years, please provide me the new design SieuthiNHANH201203207912ztewmjrmmg340181

50 years, please provide me the new design SieuthiNHANH201203207912y2qwywnhnd361484

50 years, please provide me the new design SieuthiNHANH201203207912mgi5zme1nd379604

50 years, please provide me the new design SieuthiNHANH201203207912yzk2mzi5nj353811
50 years, please provide me the new design SieuthiNHANH201203207912zgviodm4nj300584
50 years, please provide me the new design SieuthiNHANH201203207912nznhnty2og314945
50 years, please provide me the new design SieuthiNHANH201203207912njrly2mym2151086
thank IBC

Last edited by hungbonsai on Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:04 am; edited 1 time in total


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50 years, please provide me the new design Empty Re: 50 years, please provide me the new design

Post  marcus watts Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:55 am

very nice trunk but it is much to soon to have any choices of design as there is not enough new growth. Your drawing shows one way to grow the tree into a design, but to get several ideas it is better to have lots of branches and foliage so the best can be chosen.

Another good way to design a tree that has no plan yet is to find pictures of great trees of the same species that you like and see if your material has similar features - then grow the rest to fit the design.

cheers Marcus
marcus watts
marcus watts

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50 years, please provide me the new design Empty Re: 50 years, please provide me the new design

Post  Rob Kempinski Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:03 am

Hi Hung,

Can you tell us what species this is?

Like Marcus says its hard to design with so little branches. but being a tropical tree and judging by the many bulbous growths on the trunk I'm guessing those are aborted buds so this tree will bud back anywhere. A basic informal upright style with branches on the outside portion of a curve would be a good place to start.

One step I would take is to repot the tree and plant it deeper in the next pot so that the roots are in or maybe under the soil a bit. Is it possible to trim the roots closer (much closer) to the trunk to cause them to have better ramification?
Rob Kempinski
Rob Kempinski

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50 years, please provide me the new design Empty Re: 50 years, please provide me the new design

Post  lnvinh Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:42 pm

hungbonsai wrote:hi IBC
please give me advice and helping to design new committee
50 years, please provide me the new design SieuthiNHANH201203207912ztewmjrmmg340181

50 years, please provide me the new design SieuthiNHANH201203207912y2qwywnhnd361484

thank IBC

This tree is too old. old Aglaia Duperreana tree so rare that Hung, congratulations.


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50 years, please provide me the new design Empty Re: 50 years, please provide me the new design

Post  Poink88 Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:06 pm

As Marcus noted, I would suggest you re-pot a bit deeper. I will also remove that protruding piece at the front base.

Very nice material! thumbs up

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50 years, please provide me the new design Empty Re: 50 years, please provide me the new design

Post  hungbonsai Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:50 pm

hi ,marcus watts,Rob Kempinski,Poink88,lnvinh
thank you, time to repot later I will go further and cover the bottom, because the old pot-cast original parts so well adapted,
please give me some idea of ​​the new design, thank


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50 years, please provide me the new design Empty Re: 50 years, please provide me the new design

Post  hungbonsai Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:50 am

of design at truongca (my friend) for my opinion
50 years, please provide me the new design 79706858265223163185[/QUOTE]


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50 years, please provide me the new design Empty Re: 50 years, please provide me the new design

Post  hungbonsai Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:48 am

the new design
50 years, please provide me the new design 22770673584185973458
50 years, please provide me the new design SieuthiNHANH201203278613m2mznmy5yz230476_1


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50 years, please provide me the new design Empty Re: 50 years, please provide me the new design

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