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Crataegus - Hawthorn

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Crataegus - Hawthorn  Empty Crataegus - Hawthorn

Post  Rui Marques Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:52 am

Hi all,

It all started here:

Here are the photos:

Crataegus - Hawthorn  Imagem606

Crataegus - Hawthorn  Imagem607

Crataegus - Hawthorn  Imagem608

Crataegus - Hawthorn  Imagem609

A airlayer will be performed like this:

Crataegus - Hawthorn  Imagem606

Coments are welcome.
Rui Marques
Rui Marques

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Crataegus - Hawthorn  Empty Re: Crataegus - Hawthorn

Post  MMeruje Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:17 pm

Hi Rui,

In my opinion best thing to do is let it grow in the field for some years and then you will have a nice starting material !

The tree needs to develop more and for now is just to young.

What do you think?

My best,


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Crataegus - Hawthorn  Empty Re: Crataegus - Hawthorn

Post  JimLewis Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:20 pm

Yeah. I'm not sure a chop will really improve anything.

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Crataegus - Hawthorn  Empty Re: Crataegus - Hawthorn

Post  Ice_Templar04 Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:16 am

Right now there is little taper and you won't get the base of the tree any fatter, as the branches are up higher.
I'd do an airlayer.. which would result in getting those branches lower to your (future) nebari.


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Crataegus - Hawthorn  Empty Re: Crataegus - Hawthorn

Post  drgonzo Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:26 am

If that tree was just repotted I would advise you wait at least one growing season to air layer. Hawthorns are not Ficus and will need all the energy a full root system can provide to the canopy in order for the energy thus returning downward from the apex to form a good root system above the bark wound.

Better yet as others have suggested stick it in the ground. There could be a tree in there somewhere without the need to take the top third of the canopy off either by layer or by a hard prune, time in the ground may help reveal a different direction for the tree stylistically.


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