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Hawthorn ideas

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Hawthorn ideas Empty Hawthorn ideas

Post  gope Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:23 pm

Hi everyone! This is a Hawthorn I collected in February this year, it responded very well and sprouted loads of buds everywhere on the trunk. Image from July, this is not the front of the tree:

Hawthorn ideas July_210

As this tree is at its earliest stage of development, further chopping will be carried out. I would like to chop it this winter but isn't it too early?
I have three ideas for it. The front is chosen as shown (please note this is an image after collection, no new shots)

Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0010Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0011Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0012Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0013

Please let me know what you think about it, I would appreciate any feedback!




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Hawthorn ideas Empty Re: Hawthorn ideas

Post  Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:44 pm

Hi Marcin,

You have great insight. I haven't worked with Hawthorn, so I am not sure how vigorous it is with back budding... especially where you 'want' the branches to grow. Ofcourse, there is always an option to thread-graft.

Keep us updated with the progress.

- S


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Hawthorn ideas Empty Re: Hawthorn ideas

Post  Ryan Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:54 pm

I think 3 would give you the best taper. I feel like the other ones have areas that are too straight and taper-less, IMO. Nice little tree.


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Hawthorn ideas Empty Re: Hawthorn ideas

Post  abcd Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:41 pm

I think it is too early to cut trunk or branches, because collected or repoted trees grows with their reserves the first year , 2 years sometimes, so, you have to wait another year, especially with hawthorn, before cutting branches.

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Hawthorn ideas Empty Re: Hawthorn ideas

Post  gope Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:32 pm

Thanks for the comments, guys!
Suburbia, yes, thread grafting is a perfect solution, often in use with Hawthorns.
Ryan, we have the same taste, I also like the third one the most Very Happy
Abcd, I will wait another year, although I am almost sure that chopping the trunk wouldn't kill this tree. I can see that there is a plenty of healthy, new fine roots in the soil. I have the feeling that as long as you don't disturb them, the tree will survive any work above the soil.
Cheers guys!


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Hawthorn ideas Empty Re: Hawthorn ideas

Post  Rui Marques Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:20 am

Hi gope,

Personaly i like the 3rd one. I advise you to read Hans Van Meer posts about Hawthorn. You'll get much info when reading it.
Rui Marques
Rui Marques

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Hawthorn ideas Empty Re: Hawthorn ideas

Post  gope Sat Aug 11, 2012 4:26 pm

Hi all!

I thought I can upload the pictures of Hawthorn after chopping it down this year.
I hope you like it.

March 2012
Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0010

Begining of June
Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0111

2 weeks later
Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0212

August 2012
Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0213

August 2012
Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0214

August 2012
Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0215

Still not sure about the front, that's why I keep two lower branches. Next year I plan to repot it so I hope the nebari will help me to do right choice.

Please feel free to comment, I'd love to hear your opinions and advices.




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Hawthorn ideas Empty Re: Hawthorn ideas

Post  Ryan Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:32 pm

Very nice Marcin!


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Hawthorn ideas Empty Re: Hawthorn ideas

Post  gope Wed May 07, 2014 2:02 pm

Hello all!

I tought It's good time to show the progress of this hawthorn.

Not like it's some masterpiece but I think it comes along OK.
Still few years needed for full picture of this project but it does start to look like a tree now.
Next year will try to put it in a proper pot and remove/rework that ugly looking root.
Let me know what you think!


Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0013

Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0014

Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0015

Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0016

Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0017

Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0018

Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0019

Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0020

Hawthorn ideas Dsc_0021


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Hawthorn ideas Empty Re: Hawthorn ideas

Post  Guest Wed May 07, 2014 2:20 pm

Very nice.
How long did it take for the bark to develop the deep, cracked furrows?
I have one that has been in the ground for about 4 years and the bark is still smooth.
The tree has put on about 2-3 inches in girth.


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Hawthorn ideas Empty Re: Hawthorn ideas

Post  Rui Marques Wed May 07, 2014 3:11 pm

Very good development.
Would love to have one Hawthorn like yours.
Keep up the very good work and keep us posted.
Rui Marques
Rui Marques

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Hawthorn ideas Empty Re: Hawthorn ideas

Post  gope Wed May 07, 2014 11:19 pm

Thank you guys for your kind comments.

Wlambeth this tree was collected with bark as it is. I estimate the age of the tree around 15 years.

From my observations, hawthorns growing on poor soils, exposed to harsh conditions develop rough bark easier. Some say, high grass and moss surrounding the trunk help the bark to form too. I'm not an expert so cannot confirm it.

Rui Marques, we could think about some swap for nice old olive tree Wink



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Hawthorn ideas Empty I love your work. very nice

Post  bacruongbonsai Thu May 08, 2014 3:16 am

Very Happy 


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Hawthorn ideas Empty Re: Hawthorn ideas

Post  Zach Smith Thu May 08, 2014 12:10 pm

wlambeth wrote:Very nice.
How long did it take for the bark to develop the deep, cracked furrows?
I have one that has been in the ground for about 4 years and the bark is still smooth.
The tree has put on about 2-3 inches in girth.

Not all hawthorns have furrowed bark. Here in Louisiana we have green hawthorn which has furrowed bark, Mayhaw which has smooth, exfoliating bark, parsley-leaf which has smooth bark, and no doubt a few others.


Zach Smith

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Hawthorn ideas Empty Re: Hawthorn ideas

Post  BobbyLane Thu May 08, 2014 12:33 pm

Nice progression, well taken pics, Lovely tree....its coming on nicely Wink 

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