Orange Sapling
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Orange Sapling
My daughter bought this sapling at a nursery and it had blossoms all over it. Unfortunately I don't have the scientific name for this type of sapling, however the nursery said it was the edible orange tree but didn't have much information which makes me wonder about their helpers :/ It sits in a one quart pot with two inches of space between rim and bark mulch has some great drainage. Anyway, this tree has had some growth and we have pinched a few suckers off the bottom but its a cutting and so far so good. One of the places of growth is close to the bottom of the main growth and I had thought to pinch it but, the second growth is higher up and that made me happy. Should I pinch the lower one or wait and see what happens. I did however wonder just how long this plant should be outside as prepping it for winter survival for this winter comes to mind. A watering schedule for winter is needed; before the weather cooled off I was watering every other day.
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Re: Orange Sapling
Tell me more. Does it have thorns? Can you get a photo, especially of a leaf? Citrus grown for fruit is usually grafted, do you see any signs of a graft? A true Citrus is going to need lots of light and total cold protection. As to water, I would remove the mulch you describe and just check the soil below the surface, about one inch down, water when it is dry. I would let it grow for now, you can remove lower branches later. Also, next spring check the roots, if it is pot bound (pot full of roots) I would put it in a larger pot.
Billy M. Rhodes- Member
Re: Orange Sapling
Billy M. Rhodes wrote:Tell me more. Does it have thorns? Can you get a photo, especially of a leaf? Citrus grown for fruit is usually grafted, do you see any signs of a graft? A true Citrus is going to need lots of light and total cold protection. As to water, I would remove the mulch you describe and just check the soil below the surface, about one inch down, water when it is dry. I would let it grow for now, you can remove lower branches later. Also, next spring check the roots, if it is pot bound (pot full of roots) I would put it in a larger pot.
One of the "wild" growths did have thorns but it was squiggly, unattractive and did not match the upper leaves so my sister who is the plant person in the family picked it off. Since then the new grown coming out had matched the other leaves on the tree. The tree shows all the signs of being a cutting. Also if I should transplant it to a larger pot should I also sterilized the pot and what do I sterilize it with. I have pictures coming but haven't received them just yet.
Guest- Guest
Re: Orange Sapling
It is a Citrus and I can't tell if it is grafted. But if it is the thorny shoot probably came from below the graft. This does look very thin. You will need to grow it on with as much light as possible until it gets some size to the trunk. I would suspect it came from a seed.
Billy M. Rhodes- Member
Leaf drop
My orange tree which I found is actually from a cutting, has been doing well except two times now it has dropped a lot of leaves. It first happened shortly after I moved it out side this spring after there was no sun coming in from my window. Then it dropped more just a few days ago. It did get some more growth and I thought that was the end of it but no it dropped more leaved and looks a bit forlorn. I thought I would ask why my orange tree would be dropping so many leaves. I don't have a sunny place except outside for it. I am worried about it and I water it regularly with out drowning it. My sister put some fertilizer on it, but someone splashed water on it and again it dropped some leaves. So I am like wow this plant is touchy or something. Any clues... help?
Guest- Guest
Re: Orange Sapling
Overwatering could be an issue. Are you checking the soil before you water. Poke a chop stick or meat skewer into the soil to check for moisture.
Billy M. Rhodes- Member
Re: Orange Sapling
It is possible that someone other than myself watered it but I generally check for moisture about to the first knuckle of my finger if the tip of my finger is moist I don't but if it just feels less than damp then I give it a bit. I also check to see if the holes at the bottom of the pot where the water comes out is dry also. I would suspect someone other than myself watered it. I will try to keep a closer eye on it because I wanted to see good growth on this tree by fall. On an up note I did see movement or growth on a couple of the nodes where stems or branches grow. So at least it isn't dying but dang I am disappointed to have my suspicions confirmed. Should I fertilize every time I water or just once a week, or... how often?
Guest- Guest
Re: Orange Sapling
This time of year, weekly is enough, remember the heat stress.
Billy M. Rhodes- Member
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