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pot ID - chinese or japanese product?

Rob Kempinski
Billy M. Rhodes
Loke Emil
7 posters

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pot ID - chinese or japanese product? Empty pot ID - chinese or japanese product?

Post  Loke Emil Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:35 pm

Hi Everyone

Could someone please take a look at this pot. I want to know if I got a real bargain or just a mass production pot: in any case I'd like to know wether it is a chinese copy or a japanese hand made. Inside the pot there are some prints from fingers from 'clay slicking' (finishing touch/I dont know the right term). The pot is made of stone ware.

pot ID - chinese or japanese product? P1012913
pot ID - chinese or japanese product? P1012914

I would also like to know what species and styles this pot is used for most commonly?

Thanks in advance ;-)

regards from Loke Emil
Loke Emil
Loke Emil

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pot ID - chinese or japanese product? Empty Re: pot ID - chinese or japanese product?

Post  Billy M. Rhodes Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:40 pm

There is not a specific species for each kind of pot. An old rule that no one seems to follow, is that a glazed pot should compliment the color of the flowers of a tree.
But this isn't glazed, I have a few pots of this style that are Japanese but the clay in this pot looks Chinese, I say that because it looks more porous. Porous is OK but I have hard water and the mineral salts will bleed through softer pots.
What is the size of the pot?
Billy M. Rhodes
Billy M. Rhodes

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pot ID - chinese or japanese product? Empty Re: pot ID - chinese or japanese product?

Post  Rob Kempinski Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:24 pm

I believe someone posted this chop a while ago and it turned out to be a Chinese Kiln. I can read the top left and two right characters. It says Long blue pot ______(unknown) but probably something like factory or kiln.
Rob Kempinski
Rob Kempinski

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pot ID - chinese or japanese product? Empty Re: pot ID - chinese or japanese product?

Post  Loke Emil Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:41 pm

Hi Rob and Billy

Thanks for your time and research ;-)

Billy: I am familiar with the traditional guidelines for glased and unglased pots vs. tree species. I just wondered if there would be a specific guide for this type of pot, i.e how to make the best use of this pot. My quess would be that in general old plums and apricots, cherrys er..flowering trees with few branches and lots of trunk character goes into this type of pot. Maybe I should have asked how you guys would use this pot/which tree could go into it - for future inspiration?! the inner pot measurements are: hight: 5cm/2 inches, width: 13cm/5.118 inches.

Rob: do you study chinese? Glad you could translate some of it. Chinese stoneware, I see. Still a good bargain and not the type of pot you'll come across often in my area ;-)

regards from Loke Emil
Loke Emil
Loke Emil

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pot ID - chinese or japanese product? Empty Re: pot ID - chinese or japanese product?

Post  Billy M. Rhodes Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:29 am

It should be treated as a round pot; this is a plant in the center. So it needs a fairly symmetrical tree. However, I have used a pot of this design for a semi cascade juniper.
Billy M. Rhodes
Billy M. Rhodes

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pot ID - chinese or japanese product? Empty Re: pot ID - chinese or japanese product?

Post  ogie Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:10 am

For sure it's Chinese
Alex Smile

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pot ID - chinese or japanese product? Empty Re: pot ID - chinese or japanese product?

Post  landerloos Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:33 am

Never mind chinese or japanese its a pot from a production line.


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pot ID - chinese or japanese product? Empty Re: pot ID - chinese or japanese product?

Post  Lone Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:24 pm

Hi Loke Emil and others
From the mark - I think the signs look japanese! As I see it the 2 signs left says BON SAI. But again Im not a pro.

kind regards


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pot ID - chinese or japanese product? Empty Re: pot ID - chinese or japanese product?

Post  Guest Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:18 pm

Hi Loke Emil

this pot is suitable for a evergreen semicaskade. Smile

Kind regards Yvonne....the pot looks chinese to me


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pot ID - chinese or japanese product? Empty Re: pot ID - chinese or japanese product?

Post  Billy M. Rhodes Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:56 pm

Lone wrote:Hi Loke Emil and others
From the mark - I think the signs look Japanese! As I see it the 2 signs left says BON SAI. But again Im not a pro.

kind regards


I have pots that I bought from a Chinese importer who says they were made in China, even though they say "Made in Japan." He said that the Japanese are opening factories in China.
Billy M. Rhodes
Billy M. Rhodes

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pot ID - chinese or japanese product? Empty Re: pot ID - chinese or japanese product?

Post  Chiang Cheng Kooi Sun May 29, 2011 1:18 pm

The chop behind the pot belong to a chinese company in China that is, Evergreen Arts Productions Ltd Yixing pots , simplified chinese letter writen as 长青盆艺 .
Just copy the chinese letter, n look in google search, n u will get the site. they have a translate version in english too.
Chiang Cheng Kooi
Chiang Cheng Kooi

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pot ID - chinese or japanese product? Empty Re: pot ID - chinese or japanese product?

Post  Billy M. Rhodes Mon May 30, 2011 8:39 pm

Chiang Cheng Kooi wrote:The chop behind the pot belong to a chinese company in China that is, Evergreen Arts Productions Ltd Yixing pots , simplified chinese letter writen as 长青盆艺 .
Just copy the chinese letter, n look in google search, n u will get the site. they have a translate version in english too.

Yixing is one of or maybe the pottery center in East Central China, it is probably most famous for its teapots.
pot ID - chinese or japanese product? Img_5111
This was a display in Yixing, I took this before I saw the sign asking us not to take pictures.

pot ID - chinese or japanese product? Img_5112

I may have posted this before as part of a different thread but it brings me joy everytime I see this photo of the welcome to Yixing for the the BCI tour in the Fall of 2010.
Billy M. Rhodes
Billy M. Rhodes

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pot ID - chinese or japanese product? Empty Re: pot ID - chinese or japanese product?

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