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Grow lights

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Grow lights Empty Grow lights

Post  JamesRB Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:38 am

has anyone had experience with these T5 grow lights? using one now to supplement this zone 6 lack of light.

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Grow lights Empty Re: Grow lights

Post  DreadyKGB Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:58 am

I do have experience with these lights. I assume you have further questions beyond that, so I will relay some of my experience. They are very helpful for winter growth and depending on what you are growing they work quite well. The problems that I have encountered with them is that they don't provide the full spectrum and they provide weaker light than other lights. For best results they should be about 18-24" from the top of the plant. When you have plants of differing heights this can be a problem. I have noticed longer internodes and leggy growth when the plants are not within that range. Aside from these issues they are an inexpensive and easy way to get your indoor trees to maintain their health through the winter.


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