PVC greenhouse(coldframe)
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PVC greenhouse(coldframe)
Hello all, Has anyone ever built a pvc coldframe to winter their bonsai in?Ive been trying to find some plans online but they seem a little hard to understand..(im not much of a construction guy).. Its getting in the 30's here and i need to hurry and get a coldframe up!~ I found one that I like and that I think would work but it needs so many different materials... i just want something very simple yet something that can fit all my tree's and plants in...Ive even tried drawing out my own plans but ive never used pvc before so im not sure if they will work....I need to keep a steady budget too(nothing really over 150$...is this possible? do you know of anyone good plans you could share? or any advice? thanks so much! btw.i already bought a 4' florescent light and a coil wire heater(metal housing).... and some shelves....i have all my tree's in the garage where its warmer than the outside temp....
杰遨-jie- Member
Re: PVC greenhouse(coldframe)
I will keep it in the garage hehe.....i have to share a garage with neighbors and they constantly open and close it even their kids play with it so wintering inside the garage with a heater and no coldframe is not an option...hmm I think I will try to come up with some money to buy a cheap yet sturdy greenhouse..
杰遨-jie- Member
PVC Greenhouse
My suggestion would be to buy one or more very large picnic coolers, used would be fine. Or an old refrigerator or freezer. Store your trees in them in a corner of the garage, next to the house wall if there is one. Line the coolers with styrofoam peanuts, & fill the empty spaces with them. You shouldn't need the heater except when it goes below 5 above. What is the fluorescent light for? I don't think a greenhouse would be much use with hardy trees. For tropicals, the heating cost in Minnesota would be enormous. Keep them in the house under that fluorescent light.
bonsaisr- Member
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