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Hans Vleugels
Rob Kempinski
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ironwood/casaurinas Empty ironwood/casaurinas

Post  Guest Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:12 am

IBC friends,

this is my ironwood trees/ casuarinas. update.


feb 2010

ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_0013

ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_0724

before first styling (aug)

ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_0725

halfway there

ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_0726

after wiring

ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_0810

after the tree's first styling. drunken
________________________________________________________________________________________________ the right side branch i needed, when the front and one of the back branch got longer. since I changed the diet of my casaurina I got almost double growth speed.
notice the length of the longest left branch and the size increase of branch...I got to remove the wire today.

ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_1542

the other casaurinas/ ironwoods that I got to free from the wires which are biting into the barks just after 3 months.

ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_1543

this is the huge cascade. growing very fast too.
the de-barked horizontal branch, im preparing for the shari work.

ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_1544

the triple trunk.

ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_1545

I also changed/upgraded my deadwood preservative to the one we are using in open wooden deck construction...industrial grade, much tougher than what i used before safer for live parts too.

ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_1546

So far this tree below got the slowest growth rate. but im contented as long as all branches are alive.

photo taken aug 12, 2010
ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_0314

ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_1547

jun Smile

Last edited by jun on Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:11 pm; edited 1 time in total


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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  Rob Kempinski Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:25 pm

Jun, lots of potential. Great trunk and appears to have the finer smaller twigs - lucky guy.
Rob Kempinski
Rob Kempinski

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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  Hans Vleugels Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:42 pm

Very interesting material. I like the twisting trunk very much.

Hard to see, but I think you should loose the bottom branch on the left, and bring the other branches more downwards...

Keep up the good work!
Hans Vleugels
Hans Vleugels

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ironwood/casaurinas Empty casuarina

Post  cosmos Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:59 pm

I like the tree. It has a great potential. As Jose Lui would say, casuarinas should be styled as they grow in their own habitat. So the option of cutting the left big branch and bring the other branches down is not to my liking and his. Usually such massive casuarinas have thick branches eminatting outwards and slightly upwards and this is what I would do if it was my tree. A 360 degree composition is possible and it would suit the tree especailly so since it would balance the visual weight that the nebari on the right side has and also would cover the straightness of the upper part of the trunk. This is my humble opinion of course. THANKS FOR SHARING AND KEEP US POSTED.


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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  Guest Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:35 pm






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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  Guest Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:43 pm



il try the 360 deg. design. what im avoiding is to cover much of the trunk. this trunk is twisted from top to bottom and naturally tapered, no straight part. the rear got a beautiful shari too, not visible in the pics above so you can view this tree from all sides...i guess, the more options i have, the more confusing it gets.


jun confused confused confused


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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  Rob Kempinski Thu Sep 02, 2010 3:55 am

jun wrote:Cosmos,


il try the 360 deg. design. what im avoiding is to cover much of the trunk. this trunk is twisted from top to bottom and naturally tapered, no straight part. the rear got a beautiful shari too, not visible in the pics above so you can view this tree from all sides...i guess, the more options i have, the more confusing it gets.


jun confused confused confused

Maybe this might give you an idea. With the budding ability of Aussy Pine you can create the necessary branches on the right - which seem necessary.

ironwood/casaurinas Jun_au10
Rob Kempinski
Rob Kempinski

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ironwood/casaurinas Empty twisted casaurina

Post  john5555leonard Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:07 am

great trunk jun , i wish i could find one as good, we have them here but the ones i,v seen for sale are boring, i,m jealous , regards john


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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  Guest Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:17 am

Thanks a lot. i appreciate you doing the visual very much.
WOW! you have given me a huge task at hand. cant wait for the right side bud to appear... if it wont, il be forced to pull the right side branch down that i have now, below the apex.

thanks again.

jun Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy bounce



dont be jelous. this is just my "ordinary" casaurina ( just kidding Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Smile ). but i still have another one, which i think youl appreciate better. i just finished styling it today. its in cascade form, with twisted and bended trunk, the trunk is half filled with natural deadwood. 1.2 meter long.

the one i posted above got a twin brother. same twisted trunk, almost the same shari, slightly smaller by 3 inches. somebody is selling it to me, got to save some bucks first. quite expensive. if i can only send it to you, you can buy it.

jun Very Happy


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ironwood/casaurinas Empty twisted casaurina

Post  john5555leonard Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:27 am

hi jun, how much? john


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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  Guest Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:15 am


the tree is peso 25,000- aprx US$ 500.



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ironwood/casaurinas Empty twisted casaurina

Post  john5555leonard Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:48 am

hi jun, thanks but too expensive for me


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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  Guest Sat Sep 04, 2010 4:36 am


yup! same with me.



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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:16 pm

updated file above on my casaurinas....

jun Smile


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ironwood/casaurinas Empty up date

Post  Guest Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:45 am

Getting complete...Up to now it still amazes me on how fast these trees grows.

I really want to make a 360 degree display for this would be a huge waste if only one angle would be used.

front 1
ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_0152

front 2
ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_0153

front 3
ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_0155

front 4
ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_0157

front 5
ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_0158

some details...

ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_0159

ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_0162

based on the growth rate I think this particular tree can be developed in less than 2 years from harvesting time to a show ready tree.

this tree is just a year old from initial planting on this grow pot.

the tired but happy owner (Jun) for scale.
ironwood/casaurinas Dsc_0163

jun Very Happy


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ironwood/casaurinas Empty up date

Post  Guest Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:02 am

Great stuff Jun. Coming along leaps and bounds. You always sign off with a smile Very Happy , but you dont look very happy in your pic. Did you hurt yourself moving big trees around or something?


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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  Guest Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:13 am

will baddeley wrote:Great stuff Jun. Coming along leaps and bounds. You always sign off with a smile Very Happy , but you dont look very happy in your pic. Did you hurt yourself moving big trees around or something?

Happy in the inside. Serious on the outside... I'll smile next time for you Will. Thanks

jun Smile Smile


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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  webos Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:35 am

Hi Jun,
What a great trunk you have there. We have millions of casuarinas growing here in Australia everywhere you go. But rarely do we see them with twists and turns like the one you have. Also, it is illegal to dig them on public land. the only option for us is to find them on private land and that is very difficult for us to find permission. Hopefully I can find trees like this sometime.


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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  Guest Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:46 am

webos wrote:Hi Jun,
What a great trunk you have there. We have millions of casuarinas growing here in Australia everywhere you go. But rarely do we see them with twists and turns like the one you have. Also, it is illegal to dig them on public land. the only option for us is to find them on private land and that is very difficult for us to find permission. Hopefully I can find trees like this sometime.

Thanks Webos!

If you want to look for a good Australian pine with good trunk character, I think you should look in a more harsh/hostile environment...probably near shore lines where winds are always on the rampage, but be sure you get the proper permits.

My casuarinas were found at the base of an active volcano in the far south of the country, some were literally burned by hot ash fall (not lava, hehe). Some were allowed to be dug up with severe, almost dead condition.

jun Smile


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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  shannon Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:47 pm

G'day Jun fantastic tree's mate ThumbsUp
I have tried to collect Casuarinas but all died have you got any secrets to your success to share with me!

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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  Arno Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:09 pm


Wow amazing trees, we have lots of "ironwoods" too but in Maui they also grow very straight. Guess i gotta get there and hunt hard. Nobody in my local club has any casuarinas like the ones you and pabling have posted. Im going to make an effort to find some good material here , I absolulty love them!


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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  Guest Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:06 pm


Thanks mate!

Here the best time to collect is during the end of summer usually in the last week of April, and the best time to replant the tree is in the start of rainy season, thats the period where the specie will have a very rigorous growth, and the feeding roots will form easily on that critical period. Perfect timing is the key. then, use sifted river sand without decaying/organic component in the soil.
Another approach is to collect the tree with as much original soil as you can get. then plant the collected tree with the original soil in a growing box with sifted river sand. gradually remove the original soil overtime when the tree gets stronger.
Just like any yamadori dont over expose the newly planted tree in full sun, shaded area is the best suited location. then gradually expose the tree when you got new shoots.

good luck!

jun Smile


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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  Guest Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:15 pm

Arno wrote:jun

Wow amazing trees, we have lots of "ironwoods" too but in Maui they also grow very straight. Guess i gotta get there and hunt hard. Nobody in my local club has any casuarinas like the ones you and pabling have posted. Im going to make an effort to find some good material here , I absolulty love them!


thanks! These trees were tortured by nature. Seek where the area is more naturally hostile, like near the shoreline where winds are its worst. As always, seek permission. It's hard to do bonsai inside a sunlight! hehehe.

jun Smile


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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  Ravi Kiran Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:59 am

Hi Jun,

Great trees as always.... My envy for you has already reached new heights in this year Twisted Evil and thanks for sharing a proper, unmasked mugshot of yourself. From your earlier pics I thought you looked much older and bulkier. See it helps to post proper images of not only your trees but also your self Very Happy

On a more serious note you had said something like
" the right side branch i needed, when the front and one of the back branch got longer. since I changed the diet of my casuarina I got almost double growth speed."

Wanted to know what you feed your casuarinas to get this miracle growth.

Ravi Kiran
Ravi Kiran

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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

Post  Khaimraj Seepersad Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:47 am

Hey Jun,

new year and new standards. Will be watching you more and speaking less. I have been down the collected tree path with the guys on this side, so I am immune to trunks and the effects of nature. Will be looking to see if you come close to what Rob has suggested, naturally in your own style.

Man is that a serious face, no laugh lines ? Shocked
How's your blood pressure ? Smile

Word of caution, I know how to present myself on a forum, been doing so for about 12 years, but I tend to laugh a lot, and play with child-like curiosity.
Back to re-potting.
Second house coming on-line as well.
Contentment to you.
Khaimraj Seepersad
Khaimraj Seepersad

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ironwood/casaurinas Empty Re: ironwood/casaurinas

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