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Meet "Goshin"

my nellie
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Meet "Goshin" Empty Meet "Goshin"

Post  bonsaisr Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:00 pm

Experienced American bonsai growers can scroll past this. This is for newbies, especially those from the far corners of the world. "Goshin" is probably the single most famous bonsai in the Western Hemisphere, and the best-known example of Juniperus chinensis 'Foemina.' I couldn't find out where 'Foemina' originated. It is a cultivar of J. chinensis with all juvenile foliage and is recommended for disease resistance. You don't see it much on the East Coast, where taste runs to 'Shimpaku.'
"Goshin" is the star of the North American Pavilion of the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum in Washington, DC. It shares pride of place with a Ponderosa pine donated by the US Forest Service, and a large bald cypress forest by Vaughn Banting.
This impressive juniper forest, about four feet high, 122 cm, is the work of John Naka, who is generally credited with popularizing bonsai in western North America following World War II.
For the whole story of "Goshin," go here:

Meet "Goshin" Goshin10

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Meet "Goshin" Empty Re: Meet "Goshin"

Post  my nellie Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:05 pm

Being a newbie, I think I would comment that I have seen "Goshin" several times but never on this weathered stand.
And I do love this aged stand!
my nellie
my nellie

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Meet "Goshin" Empty Re: Meet "Goshin"

Post  EdMerc Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:07 pm

Thank you so much. I am not new to Goshin, but the story, and the bonsai, is worth revisiting over and over.


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Meet "Goshin" Empty Meet "Goshin"

Post  bonsaisr Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:09 pm

My Nellie writes:<<I have seen "Goshin" several times but never on this weathered stand.>>
Since the trees at the National Arboretum are displayed outdoors, they have to be on weatherproof stands.

Last edited by bonsaisr on Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:13 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : To clarify)

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Meet "Goshin" Empty Re: Meet "Goshin"

Post  AlainK Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:29 am

Michel Sacal was one of the pioneers of bonsai in France.

He was the editor of the French Bonsai Federation magazine, contributed greatly to advancing bonsai in France and created a forum, which he called "Esprit de Goshin" ("Spirit of Goshin").

Now, he's gone.

The forum is now "Esprits de Goshin".

Goshin has a very special place in our hearts for some of us too.

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Meet "Goshin" Empty Re: Meet "Goshin"

Post  craigw Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:48 am

Hi Bonsaisr, I have seen this group and all the other wonderfully displayed trees in Washington DC. John Naka's influence has been felt all over the western world. His books bonsai techniques 1 & 2 are still incredibly relevant.


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Meet "Goshin" Empty Re: Meet "Goshin"

Post  mr treevolution Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:17 am

Great to see a picture of this again.
How i dreamed of having this or similar on my bench.
One of my inspirations from early growing days to today.
John Naka's books should be on all serious bonsai growers shelves!
Regards Nick Very Happy

mr treevolution

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