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What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai

Lee Kennedy
bonsai monkey
Rob Kempinski
Ivo Saporiti
10 posters

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What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai - Page 2 Empty Re: What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai

Post  Justin Hervey Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:33 am

Great rescue Tony.
My instinct would probably have been to maintain the original styling (which was outstanding) and to try to find a suitable rock that the hollowed out section of the tree could fit snugly against, all in a new pot. Although tricky to get just right.
Good job
Justin Hervey
Justin Hervey

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What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai - Page 2 Empty Re: What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai

Post  tucker Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:21 pm

Interesting tree.I just had a look at your blog and seen your were in my neck of the woods.Hope you enjoyed time on the Emerald Isle Very Happy Very Happy


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What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai - Page 2 Empty Re: What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai

Post  Guest Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:07 pm

Justin Hervey wrote:Great rescue Tony.
My instinct would probably have been to maintain the original styling (which was outstanding) and to try to find a suitable rock that the hollowed out section of the tree could fit snugly against, all in a new pot. Although tricky to get just right.
Good job

Hi Justin "Although tricky to get just right" is key to your comments. Finding the perfect pot is one of the biggest challenges with the art of bonsai. Clearly the best is to commission a talented potter (lots on this forum) by taking the tree to them, discussing the possibilities, making a couple of options, and selecting the most suitable... even after all the effort, it may not be JUST right. In all my years of potting trees I can honestly say that only once has the match been 'perfect' that being David Barlows Raft beech, potted in a Gorden Duffet pot. (Anyone got a photo?).

The best anyone can hope for is 'best match' as for this tree pot combination I guess Lee summed it up ' Wabi Sabi' beauty in imperfection and profundity in nature.

tucker wrote:Interesting tree.I just had a look at your blog and seen your were in my neck of the woods.Hope you enjoyed time on the Emerald Isle Very Happy Very Happy

Yes... I was over in the North... Beautiful country... great people... I cannot wait to return. cheers

As for this trees development... I am aware that the rotting on the tree does extend along the trunk and I will be investigating this over the weekend, if indeed it is rotten I will clear it out and see what transpires... watch this space.


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What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai - Page 2 Empty Re: What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai

Post  Justin Hervey Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:33 am

Absolutely Tony... an extremely frustrating point for me is the lack of stock in pots here in South Africa, especially large ones.
I am very envious of you lot up north.
Justin Hervey
Justin Hervey

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What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai - Page 2 Empty Re: What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai

Post  Guest Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:42 pm

Justin Hervey wrote:Absolutely Tony... an extremely frustrating point for me is the lack of stock in pots here in South Africa, especially large ones.

There is a business opportunity awaiting a craft potter... Rolling Eyes

Justin Hervey wrote:
I am very envious of you lot up north.

A rare comment from someone south of Watford Gap rabbit well WAYYYYYYYYY.... south of Watford Gap


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What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai - Page 2 Empty Re: What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai

Post  Guest Wed May 13, 2009 8:38 pm

Ivo Saporiti wrote:i'm talking about this zone, not tachi-agari

I think may be an important interesting zone

Hi Ivo I have done the work on the cut, The tree is very secure in the pot but to be on the safe side I strapped the tree to the work table, I have left the new growth near the carving to keep the sap flowing and callus the wound.

Here is the cut before the work

What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai - Page 2 Dscf2113

Strapping to the table

What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai - Page 2 Dscf2114

here is the final work
What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai - Page 2 Dscf2115


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What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai - Page 2 Empty Foliage

Post  Guest Wed May 13, 2009 8:52 pm

As you can see the foliage is coming on well... the tree definately benifited from repotting.

What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai - Page 2 Foliag12


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What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai - Page 2 Empty Re: What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai

Post  Rob Kempinski Thu May 14, 2009 3:03 am

Looking good Tony. alien
Rob Kempinski
Rob Kempinski

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What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai - Page 2 Empty carving

Post  Ivo Saporiti Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:46 am

hi tony, i read just now about the work. I seen before the tree in your garden, than this post, sorry.

I think it's a very good tree ad a good work.

Compliments! I like it very much!

Ivo Saporiti

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What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai - Page 2 Empty Re: What happened to that Hawthorn from Joy of Bonsai

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