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Stone Tree

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Stone Tree Empty Stone Tree

Post  RKatzin Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:42 pm

Hi gang, I've been reading this forum a couple of weeks now, and I must say with utter fascination. I've been a rockhound for as long as I can remember, which is getting shorter the longer I go. I want to thank everyone for their presentations of such exciting insight into the world of suiseki and stone culture. I have a piece of petrified wood, kind of rare, I think, as it is an exact image of the tree in the finest detail in the texture of the grains and knot holes. Almost as good as Will B.'s carving on his English Elm Smile All joking aside now, what I'm thinking of doing is making a dias to hold the piece that will look like the nebari of the tree. The piece is about 6" tall x 3" dia. and the top is hollow and looks like the broken top of an old snag. I didn't see anything like that here and I'm curious if this would be an acceptable way of presenting my stone tree. I'm going to do it either way, I'm not one that's afraid to try something new or to strike out on my own, but I do value your comments and opinions very much. My computer fried and I'm setting up new system so I can't post a pic yet, but will asap.

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