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Winter tricked me!

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Winter tricked me! Empty Winter tricked me!

Post  Todd Ellis Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:27 am

Two weeks ago I was rearranging bonsai benches and even rewired a tree. Bulbs were poking up out of the ground; even the crysanthemums had new growth. Then Wham! Ten more inches of snow this weekend, another sleet storm tonight (3-5 inches expected) and another blizzard forecasted for this weekend. I was all geared up for an early Spring; already marking some nice beeches to collect this month. Now I'm depressed and have to wait for the thaw. Thank goodness for the indoor trees! On the bright sided - my tools are cleaned and sharpened for this season...that's a first in many years! Here's to all who are ANTICIPATING Spring! Happy Growing! Smile
Todd Ellis
Todd Ellis

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Winter tricked me! Empty Re: Winter tricked me!

Post  bonsaisr Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:51 am

Todd Ellis wrote:Thank goodness for the indoor trees! Happy Growing! Smile
Which indoor trees do you have?

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Winter tricked me! Empty Winter tricked me!

Post  Todd Ellis Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:58 am

I have a large Green Isle Ficus (grafted), two Chinese Elms (Wintered outside for approx six weeks before coming inside), a Sweet Plum (Sageritia theezans), a Ficus "Too Little", and a few other odds and ends... oh and a couple of blooming Lady Slippers (orchids).
Todd Ellis
Todd Ellis

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