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urban collect

Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
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urban collect   Empty urban collect

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Tue Dec 15, 2015 1:12 pm

Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  JimLewis Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:23 pm

I don't know why he hell the IBC is here if people keep trying to send us somewhere ELSE to read about their precious trees.

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:30 pm

JimLewis wrote:I don't know why he hell the IBC is here if people keep trying to send us somewhere ELSE to read about their precious trees.

its a big WWW out there jim... no sense posting the exact same thing in 2 places when the click of a link will do...
would you have an issue if i posted them here instead, with a link from our blog ?
if not, then what is the difference ?
neither one are for commercial gain...

funny i havent seen you raise this issue when a number of others do the same thing...
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:37 pm

beer city snake wrote:
JimLewis wrote:I don't know why he hell the IBC is here if people keep trying to send us somewhere ELSE to read about their precious trees.
funny i havent seen you raise this issue when a number of others do the same thing...

i take it back... i just saw your other post this morning...
albeit, much more nicely phrased... Neutral
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  Vlad Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:45 pm

Kevin, just check the timing of replies.  Simple cumulative effect.   You were just unlucky to be the second in the row.  ( Although you blog is much nicer than mine Wink

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Tue Dec 15, 2015 6:08 pm

Yes i did look at the timing... 2 minutes from "please" to "why the hell..."

your blog looks nice too... same platform as our Arbor Arts one...
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  LanceMac10 Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:46 pm

Would I be correct in assuming that a link to my comments is verboten?


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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Tue Dec 15, 2015 8:11 pm

LanceMac10 wrote:Would I be correct in assuming that a link to my comments is verboten?


depends on whatcha gots to say Suspect
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  JimLewis Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:15 pm

its a big WWW out there jim...
My point.  And the IBC is designed for people to come HERE to see and learn about trees not go sailing out of that big WWW ocean, perhaps never to return.  You must not have paid a lot of attention because over my many years here, I've often told people (in one manner or another) that we'd prefer not to be directed offsite. 

no sense posting the exact same thing in 2 places when the click of a link will do...

For who?  Our ease, or yours.  Seem like you're acting just like all these service industries are acting these days . . . making it easier on themselves and not thos you are supposed to be serving (or offering information/pictures to.

would you have an issue if i posted them here instead, with a link from our blog ?
if not, then what is the difference ?

I think that's what I was "asking" folks to do.

neither one are for commercial gain...

And that matters, why?

Note: appologies for any typos here and elswer.  Not breathing well tonite.

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Tue Dec 15, 2015 11:08 pm

i know... clicking a link is so troublesome...  Rolling Eyes

i would like to address your reply further, but i'd rather not get you aggravated if you arent having a good day so i will just leave it at that for now...

and i am truly sorry to hear that you are not having a good day.
i apologize for creating an annoyance for you...
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  Vlad Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:52 am

I have clicked on many things in my life ( getting close to 60, damn ), but kept returning to a good ones.  This is my life and I have nothing to change.  

Jim, I do apologize for any annoyance I may have caused.


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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:30 pm

not to mention that mine was annoying for only being a stick-in-a-pot ! Laughing Razz Laughing
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  Khaimraj Seepersad Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:59 pm

Okay Kevin,

but what type of pine is it ?

How many years to what shape?

And dang I broke a nail making the extra press to your blog, so you owe me an acrylic Laughing Laughing Laughing

Tried collecting a Caribbean pine seedlings [ with owner's permission ] of the 3, not one survived.
Good to see you out and about.

Off to Toco in the next week or so -

Check out the lighthouse area, and the big roof was a ceramic hobby area, not sure if it is still functional.

As baby grows, please send pics. Thank you.

Khaimraj Seepersad
Khaimraj Seepersad

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Fri Dec 18, 2015 6:03 pm

khai - i do not know yet what type of pine as i have not shown it to leo yet... Wink

re: the future, once i know it will survive, then the first thing to go is all but 3 branches (trunks?), eliminating the weakest ones, followed by a slight potting angle change placing the largest trunk/(branch ?) closest to the ground, with the other two above it in descending caliper...

after that, i will wait to see what it will show me... and that will be a long way off...

re: your nail - i apologize, but it may not be the last time that happens Laughing

and toco looks beautiful from the sky... toco beach also looks like it could provide some fun waves if you are so inclined to surf or bodyboard...
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  Leo Schordje Sat Dec 19, 2015 4:41 pm

Hey Kev
Jim can (& should) give you hell, because he know's, as we all do, you can take it. HE ain't picking on you. He knows you. (granted through the web, but its not like your a first time poster)

IBC has had a "nothing but crickets" season. They need more posts here just as the Arbor Arts Collective Blog needs more posts. Its your slow season at work, do double posts. It will help both groups out. Having the url to the blog in your signature will still drive traffic to AAC.

I need to lay eyes in person on the pine to divine its species, Next time I'm at your house I'll take a look. Things like needles straight or twisted. Needles in bundles of 2, or bundles of 2's and 3's, or what ever the counts turn out to be. All little details. But given this was an urban park, the possibilities are not limited to just the Wisconsin native pines. Pinus nigra is my first guess. In person might change that. Illinois dept of Transportation has been using a Chinese species of pine along road ways for salt tolerance. I forget which one. So there are a lot of possibilities.

Bonsai techniques for Pinus nigra, are general enough that you could use them for a number of species.
Leo Schordje
Leo Schordje

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  AlainK Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:00 pm


I didn't read all the details, but as long as it's a shared experience, it's all right with me: sometimes, you just want to annoy people with lenghty messages, so you post a picture and give a link where those interested can find more info, I understand that, it's totally different from stealing IBC's bandwidth for self promotion I think.

"Beer City Snake" has been contributing a lot to IBC, and though I've sometiles disagreed with what he said, and sid so, he is an active member, and that is enough for me to appreciate him - if not all his posts.

Back to the point: it's much more interesting to try and see what to do from an ugly duckling than to ponder if a swan should face right or left. In other words, respect the challenge of trying to make something out of "cr4p", yamadori and trees bought from bonsai sensei for $£€ x10xn is not the only way.


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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Sat Dec 19, 2015 6:27 pm

alain... i appreciate your candor... no mollycoddling needed Wink
and indeed, i agree about developing rather than buying... leaves me more $ for pots
(btw - the name is kevin)

leo - hell, jim also knows me in person...
had beers with him in 2014 when i was down there for a week
and also toted a coupla dark and chewey sprechers for him aaalllll the way down from wisconsin this year when i returned...

of course that dont mean he has to like me Evil or Very Mad Razz

re: the tree, he is fairly buried in the over-wintering area, but when i rotate, i will get some more info for you
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Sat Dec 19, 2015 6:36 pm

Leo Schordje wrote:IBC has had a "nothing but crickets" season. They need more posts here just as the Arbor Arts Collective Blog needs more posts.

btw - the AAC doesnt need more posts necessarily... just more participation Rolling Eyes
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  coh Sat Dec 19, 2015 7:33 pm

Lots of competition for people's time...IBC, bnut, facebook, blogs, families, jobs...I see no problem with someone posting links to "more info" on their blogs, especially if there are lots of pics involved. It's often just more efficient - why go through the bother of uploading multiple photos to multiple sites?

Anyway, it could be worse...this place is still more active than BSG (for now, at least).

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  JimLewis Sat Dec 19, 2015 7:34 pm

of course that dont mean he has to like me urban collect   Icon_evil urban collect   Icon_razz

You wear better in person than on line, Kevin.  Sorry.  (And "doesn't" -- with an apostrophe -- is the proper English form.  )

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  AlainK Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:03 pm

coh wrote:
Anyway, it could be worse...this place is still more active than BSG (for now, at least).

BSG? Wazzat?...

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:35 pm

JimLewis wrote:
of course that dont mean he has to like me urban collect   Icon_evil urban collect   Icon_razz

You wear better in person than on line, Kevin.  Sorry.  (And "doesn't" -- with an apostrophe -- is the proper English form.  )

no need to apologize... i can dig it, as the same applies to you... as you already know Wink

(i assume you meant "were" rather than "wear"... and normally i wouldnt be so petty as to point it out because i knew what you meant, but gee whiz, wouldja give it a rest with the grammer lessons that i dont need... Rolling Eyes ) what was this thread about again... scratch
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:39 pm

beer city snake wrote:but gee whiz, wouldja give it a rest with the grammer lessons that i dont need...

sorry... meant to say "please"  Smile
(after all, everything important to know is learned in kindergarten)
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  coh Sat Dec 19, 2015 10:01 pm

AlainK wrote:
coh wrote:
Anyway, it could be worse...this place is still more active than BSG (for now, at least).

BSG? Wazzat?...

Sorry, BSG = Bonsai Study Group, it's another forum...very low activity.

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urban collect   Empty Re: urban collect

Post  Vlad Sun Dec 20, 2015 7:10 am

Respect and humility. That is what I have learned on my pathway with bonsai. And, that the size of your project is not that much important. It is rather ones effort to constantly improve his/her skills and to have fun. Reading your article about this pine I can see you have plenty of both. Urban areas are full of surprises for those with open minds and eyes.


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