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soil sifting convertible rolling work table

Bonsai Jay
Leo Schordje
Khaimraj Seepersad
Rui Marques
Richard S
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
13 posters

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soil sifting convertible rolling work table - Page 2 Empty Re: soil sifting convertible rolling work table

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:26 pm

JimLewis wrote:agimitation?
Say what?

jim - thats just leo busting my chops about how i sometimes speak/write Laughing

glad to see you post... been missing your input !
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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soil sifting convertible rolling work table - Page 2 Empty Re: soil sifting convertible rolling work table

Post  Khaimraj Seepersad Tue Apr 12, 2016 4:59 pm

Hey Kevin,

[ in response to the comment on your friend's, Chicken Fertiliser ]

I am around for the day, and all is well, hope the same is for you.

Been testing Compost Tea, versus 1/2 strength Miracle Gro [ the one called Singles ]'
The compost tea, is 1 lb of compost to 1 gallon of water [ made from Leucaena leucocephala - 2.6 N 1.2 P 0.9 K plus micro nutrients ]
I have tons of the stuff from trees on the land in Mayaro.
Placed in a plastic bottle and left to draw for a week. [ See Rodale on-line ]

I can increase to Soy Bean compost - 6 to 7 N, 4 to 2 P and 2 to 1 K.
Boosts from Bone Meal or Rice hulls if need.

The Rape seed or Soy Bean compost is the rating used for mature or " finished" Bonsai.
Trees in more or less an exhibition state or in the last stages of refinement.
Save I am not 100 % sure if the Rape seed is composted before making the buttons, for placing on soil seen in the photos.

The organic fertiliser is also supposed to boost positive soil organisms and burrowing insects for aeriation.

I have separated Bonsai into,

[1] Ground Growing for trunk and the first six branches

[2] A pot or container for branchlets, can even be a bonsai pot.

Results are around 2 to 3 years for trunk thickening/ branch placements
and 2 to 3 more years for refinement.
The trees still have to reach 8 to 10 years for mature characteristics, but the efforts are very fast as Bonsai time goes.
In the ground it any type of fertilser, usually Blaucorm for me.

Thus far, running the inorganic fertiliser against the organic. The organic is holding up to my training techniques.
So I am getting a 55 US gallon Barrel to make a large batch of compost tea.

Just in case your are wondering - the NPK of the Soybean or Rapeseed meal is much the same as what is sold'as Bonsai
Fertiliser. I have a bottle of German stuff with a similar listing, as NPK goes.

My J.B. Pines have been grown in a simple gravel 5 mm to compost mix for about 25 or so years, in porous pots.
Doing very well.
Learnt from Ausbonsai how to grow J.b. pines from cuttings, I will proudly overload on pines in under 5 years.

Well back to Mayaro for the building of the exterior shapes and starting the base for the Guan Yen waterfall into the
pond below.
Next year the sculptures go up.

See you when I can.
Stay Healthy

*Been finding a lot off-white and red firing stoneware clay for making new Bonsai pots.
Khaimraj Seepersad
Khaimraj Seepersad

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soil sifting convertible rolling work table - Page 2 Empty Re: soil sifting convertible rolling work table

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Wed Apr 13, 2016 12:19 pm

khai !
nice to hear from you !

sounds like you have been busy as always...

thanks for the fertilizer insight and i am especially curious to see what you and the nephew come up with for pots with the new found stoneware clays...

glad to hear all is well and the same is here.

(by the way - we have opened up the arbor arts blog to public commentary, so feel free to visit and share your thoughts: )
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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soil sifting convertible rolling work table - Page 2 Empty Re: soil sifting convertible rolling work table

Post  Carterbeall Tue Apr 26, 2016 1:15 am

That's a pretty nice sifting contraption, but have you ever seen a home made power sifter like this?
Towards the bottom of the page


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soil sifting convertible rolling work table - Page 2 Empty Re: soil sifting convertible rolling work table

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:55 pm

wow carter... that makes mine look like fred flintstone's car !!!

why do i see one of those in your future ?
(i mean, after you build the tools by hand that you need to build the machine by hand Razz )
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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soil sifting convertible rolling work table - Page 2 Empty Re: soil sifting convertible rolling work table

Post  Carterbeall Fri Apr 29, 2016 1:51 am

May need one- I just about have a nursery going here.


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