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Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE

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Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE Empty Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE

Post  Shayn Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:24 pm

Hi guys,

I have recently acquired a Juniper Chinensis variegata (Alba Maculata)
All I have done is clean the trunk.

There is a mass of roots around the trunk, and its on there pretty tight!
I want to know if I can cut it away without causing harm.
Also, if anyone has some styling suggestions, I'd appreciate it.

Any and all input welcome.

What I'd use as the front - just rotated to the left a touch
Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE Dscn0310

Assumed back
Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE Dscn0311

Roots I want to cut away
Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE Dscn0312

Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE Dscn0313

Last edited by Shayn on Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE Empty Re: Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE

Post  JimLewis Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:58 pm

Alba Maculata is a willow, Salix integra 'Alba Maculata.' It has variegated leaves. See:

Your tree is a juniper. They're not even vaguely related. With those roots and the candelabra-shaped lower branches it will be a very difficult subject for bonsai training. One of those lower branches must go.

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Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE Empty Re: Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE

Post  Shayn Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:59 am

Thanks for your reply Jim, very swift!
Although, I'm pretty sure this is a Juniper Chinensis Variegata.
Juniperus chinensis alba variegata seems to be its better known name in South Africa, worldwide could be known as Juniper Chinensis Stricta Variegata.. Not too sure to be honest.

The following images are directly from the Elands wholesale nursery here in South Africa.
Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE 26720110
Captioned: "Juniperus chinensis 'Alba Maculata'
30cm, straight, lovely conical shape"

Here are some other images I found online.
Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE 7930-j10

Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE P3211310

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Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE Empty Re: Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE

Post  Precarious Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:18 pm

I agree about a branch needing to go, the bar branch at the bottom. It will end up swollen more than the trunk below it. I would remove the bottom one on the left, since it seems the weaker of the two. Then with the next pair of branches above, the one on the left can be wired to the left and the other more vertical, depending on your goals.

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Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE Empty Re: Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE

Post  Shayn Fri Mar 13, 2015 8:32 am

Thanks guys, will take your input into consideration. Will keep you posted on the tree. Just repotted 2 days ago. Will post images soon. My junipers all went into 10L bags.


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Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE Empty Re: Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE

Post  Shayn Sun Mar 15, 2015 8:50 am

Sorry to have shut you out so hard Jim. Hope you return

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Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE Empty Re: Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE

Post  M. Frary Sun Mar 15, 2015 1:14 pm

He's here. You won't drive him away! If he really didn't like you you would just disappear in a puff of smoke.
He's a moderator here.

M. Frary

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Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE Empty Re: Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE

Post  Shayn Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:51 pm

I know Laughing

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Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE Empty UPDATE*

Post  Shayn Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:39 pm

Here is what I have done with the tree. I feel like I could do more here. But for now, I am quite content with this tree.

Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE Img-2010

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Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE Empty Re: Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE

Post  leatherback Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:31 am

Nice. Can hardly believe this is the same tree. So well done.
What is your future image for this plant? I personally would consider removing one or both of these two side-trunks.

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Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE Empty Re: Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE

Post  Shayn Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:49 am

Thank you leatherback, it really is appreciated. As for the future of this tree, your suggestion of removing the two branches would look great. But for now, I would like the foliage to fill out a bit more, then I'd take further action to progress the tree. Thanks again for the encouragement.


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Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE Empty Re: Juniper Chinensis (alba maculata) *UPDATE

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