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A big forest

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A big forest Empty A big forest

Post  hin175 Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:48 am

Hi everybody,
I would like to share with you the work we made the last week-end, by a hot summer day (hot for the Paris region Very Happy ).
The owner of this forest had many, big, old collected oaks that are not very suitable for single bonsaï. Therefore, he decided the last year to make a forest with them.
After making the support in reinforced concrete during the winter, we helped him to put the (heavy) concrete support in place, and then place the trees...
Obviously, because all the helping peoples are friends, the atmosphere was friendly, with a cookout and many break for thinking, laughing, or simply drink something (humm Cool ).
Some photos of this day, and the final result... time will pass and increase the natural spirit that can be found among these trees.
Please feel free to any comments, or criticisms Very Happy
A big forest Dsc00410
A big forest Dsc00411
A big forest Dsc00510
A big forest Dsc00511A big forest Dsc00512
A big forest 55927310

More pictures here (in french)

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A big forest Empty Re: A big forest

Post  JimLewis Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:46 pm

Very nice job. I am looking forward to the time this has grown to "belong" on this slab.

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A big forest Empty Re: A big forest

Post  JPhillips Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:48 pm

Spectacular! It may sound strange but it reminds me so much of the oak groves here in Nebraska! Can't wait to see it when it fills in!
-Jake Phillips

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