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Help with unknown pest

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Help with unknown pest Empty Help with unknown pest

Post  Paul Kitching Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:50 am

Hi All

I'm new to this forum and I would like your help on identifying a pest that has appeared on several of my Bonsai trees. I'm located in the West Midlands, UK.

I first noticed them on my Juniper Tree, the tree was not looking to good and I first put it down to the wet summers we have had. On close inspection I found the pests grouped together in tight places like the intersection of branches and inside parts of the flaky bark. I also find them underneath the rims of the pots. After seeing them on my Juniper I checked the other trees that are close by. I have now found them on my Pines and Acers Sad

I have attached an image of one of the little critters, this image is highly magnified. The actual size of the pest is about the size of a full stop if you use font Arial size 14. I cannot see any webbing like material on the leafs or branches so I cannot identify them as a spider mite.

Hope somebody can help with the identification of the pest and how to deal with it.

Kind Regards

Help with unknown pest Pestmi10

Paul Kitching

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Help with unknown pest Empty RE:Help with unknown pest

Post  Bob Brunt Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:51 am

Hi Paul
You seem to have a bit of a mite infestation there. I've never had to deal with mites so can not give you a product name. A general insecticide should do the job. Ask at your local garden centre,there may be an organic way to eradicate them.Google mite killer or mite insecticide.Plenty of options available...Good luck !
Bob Brunt
Bob Brunt

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Help with unknown pest Empty Re: Help with unknown pest

Post  JimLewis Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:50 pm

An occasional hard jet of water into the foliage usually will take care of a mite problem.

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Help with unknown pest Empty Re: Help with unknown pest

Post  Carolee Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:09 am

If one were going to go the chemical way, wouldn't a mitacide be used instead of an insecticide? Or, are they both the same?

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Help with unknown pest Empty Re: Help with unknown pest

Post  JimLewis Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:46 pm

Same thing. Spider mits are difficult to control with a pesticide. It takes a LOT to penetrate their shell.

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