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Urban hawthorn

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Urban hawthorn Empty Urban hawthorn

Post  Jan Olav Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:32 pm

Thank you Kev for getting the forum up and running again, I missed it a lot.
Here is an update on one of my collected hawthorns. Some of you might remember from last year? This year the "pot" was full of fine feeder roots so I slip potted and cleaned of the last of the old soil. It grew 60-70 cm tall shoots last summer. I will keep the tree in a heated bed at around 10 degrees celsius for a month, then it will be ready for the growing season. I will let the deadwood dry out for a while before a treatment of lime sulphur and coffee.
I am looking forward to developing the branch structure on this one. More to come from this one...

Urban hawthorn Hedge211

Urban hawthorn Trench10

Urban hawthorn Dug10

The first "pot"
Urban hawthorn Hag210

Urban hawthorn Hag2a10

Urban hawthorn Hawtho11

Urban hawthorn Hawtho12

Jan Olav

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Urban hawthorn Empty Re: Urban hawthorn

Post  Reiner Goebel Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:58 am

Looking good so far, Jan. I am glad to see that you eliminated all those heavy branches. Unfortunately, that resulted in some unsightly scars, but I would rather deal with them than with those thick branches. The tree has good taper and nebari. I am sure you will enjoy working with it.
Reiner Goebel
Reiner Goebel

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Urban hawthorn Empty Re: Urban hawthorn

Post  Jan Olav Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:02 pm

I am enjoying this tree already. I kind of like scars in deciduous trees, reminds me of some of the old trees seen over here in nature. I live in a wet climate, winters are rainy and moist. This makes rotting wood a part of nature.

Jan Olav

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Urban hawthorn Empty hawthorn

Post  moyogijohn Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:57 pm

That is one more super start on this new tree!! wish i could find something like that to try and build from the start john


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Urban hawthorn Empty yamadori hawthorn 2008

Post  alex e Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:23 am

Hi Jan, how did those hawthorns turn out from last year?
any recent pic,s.did they survive? Smile

regards Alex e
alex e
alex e

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Urban hawthorn Empty Re: Urban hawthorn

Post  Jan Olav Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:06 pm

Hi Alex, This is one of them. They all survived. I guess the heated bed did the trick. The roots grew out of the pot. This is a picture from when I repotted the tree this year, before carving.

Urban hawthorn Haw-ro10

Jan Olav

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Urban hawthorn Empty hawthorn

Post  alex e Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:25 am

Excellent healthy root system Jan Wink the hardest job is done
keeping yamadori alive, now for the good part Very Happy ,developing
the foliage network, keep us posted.

nice one Alex e
alex e
alex e

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Urban hawthorn Empty Re: Urban hawthorn

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