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Noob on youtube.

marcus watts
will baddeley
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Noob on youtube. Empty Noob on youtube.

Post  alonsou Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:38 pm

I've been involved on a Bonsai discussion on youtube for well over a day with some guy which honestly don't know what he is talking about. I've tried in different ways to show him that he might be wrong on what he is saying, for God sake he is using some wire strippers as branch cutters. What do you think I should do, should I keep going or just leave it alone?

I feel some kind of discomfort pretty much just because he is misleading people from what a proper Bonsai knowledge should be.

He called out all the members of Midwest Bonsai Society "fools" even the instructors. Even calling Ryan Neil "stupid"

So I don't know, maybe someone else wants to drop a love note for him and schooled him out!

Want to laugh a little? see some other of his videos too, you will see what I'm talking about.


On the comments, I'm "TheBonsaisensei" and he is "wolfmeditation"

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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  JimLewis Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:57 pm

Sounds like a looser. Leave him.

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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  alonsou Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:58 pm

JimLewis wrote:Sounds like a looser. Leave him.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks like you Jim! Laughing

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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  drgonzo Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:03 pm

I think the best part is where he advises using a box cutter as a de-budding tool.

I watched a few other videos of his and his mis information was astounding, I feel bad for him really, he desperately wants to be taken seriously, for some the quickest way is to pretend you know what your talking about and deride others for questioning you. Then make a bunch of you tube videos.

There are so many excellent instructional videos on you tube that I think people will see this guy and quickly be able to tell the difference between him and a knowledgable horticulturalist as soon as they watch someone else.

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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  Kev Bailey Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:04 pm

Sounds like a Troll to me. They thrive on attention. Don't respond and they are lost.
Kev Bailey
Kev Bailey

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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  drgonzo Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:16 pm

Actually I stand corrected, the BEST part is in his winter dormancy video where he recommends using heating cables to keep the soil between 15F and 25F, 2 minutes after he says you should never let your soil freeze. This kids great! thank you for tipping us off to these videos, I'm going to enjoy the rest of them after dinner.

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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  alonsou Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:17 pm

drgonzo wrote:I think the best part is where he advises using a box cutter as a de-budding tool.

I watched a few other videos of his and his mis information was astounding, I feel bad for him really, he desperately wants to be taken seriously, for some the quickest way is to pretend you know what your talking about and deride others for questioning you. Then make a bunch of you tube videos.

There are so many excellent instructional videos on you tube that I think people will see this guy and quickly be able to tell the difference between him and a knowledgable horticulturalist as soon as they watch someone else.

dronzo, I have no idea what other videos you watched, the other day I saw one of his, where he is re-potting a Ginkgo Biloba, you can see very clear when he is putting a layer of perlite right at the bottom of the pot as a draining layer, then finishing the repotting. a few videos later, on a video called "bonsai myths and nonsense" he is very clear and gives an entire explanation of the nonsense of using a draining layer while repotting... I guess he can't make his mind on what he does or says. You can also see the very same Ginkgo on a different pot just a few months after repotting it on a totally different pot!

Last edited by alonsou on Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  alonsou Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:18 pm

drgonzo wrote:Actually I stand corrected, the BEST part is in his winter dormancy video where he recommends using heating cables to keep the soil between 15F and 25F, 2 minutes after he says you should never let your soil freeze. This kids great! thank you for tipping us off to these videos, I'm going to enjoy the rest of them after dinner.

Ohh! you should wait and see the "Juniper first basic styling" and his marvelous attempt to create an Apex! ha ha!!! Laughing

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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  landerloos Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:46 pm

I did put a rather unfriendly reaction on his video about basic tools, could be fun to read his reaction hahahaha, who is the troll now Twisted Evil


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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  alonsou Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:33 am

landerloos wrote:I did put a rather unfriendly reaction on his video about basic tools, could be fun to read his reaction hahahaha, who is the troll now Twisted Evil


ha ha !!.. cut his hair!! lol nice one Peter!.... I guess what really bother's me is all the misleading information that he is giving to any really new people on Bonsai, I'm fairly new to Bonsai like many other here around, but if you do your homework properly, you will quickly realize that using some wire strippers to cut branches will soon or later damage some branches. Also his arrogance and thinking that just because he read a couple of books he is already a pro and experienced bonsai enthusiast.

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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  landerloos Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:09 am

alonsou wrote:
landerloos wrote:I did put a rather unfriendly reaction on his video about basic tools, could be fun to read his reaction hahahaha, who is the troll now Twisted Evil


ha ha !!.. cut his hair!! lol nice one Peter!.... I guess what really bother's me is all the misleading information that he is giving to any really new people on Bonsai, I'm fairly new to Bonsai like many other here around, but if you do your homework properly, you will quickly realize that using some wire strippers to cut branches will soon or later damage some branches. Also his arrogance and thinking that just because he read a couple of books he is already a pro and experienced bonsai enthusiast.

the books where biologi books doooooooooooooooh.
I will leave it at that and sugest we all do, nothing good will come out of confronting him, this dude is a boy wonder ( he thinks)
What about 10 year old trees with thick trunks, not where I live!

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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  drgonzo Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:16 am

I couldn't help myself...

I popped some popcorn and watched as many videos of this guy as I could and left a helpful comment after each one. I wanted to try and help rather than criticize. Provide a sound alternative to his approach and as a member of the IBC forum I felt it my duty, to at least TRY to educate this young man, if not for his sake then for the sake of these poor trees that have had the cruel misfortune to have found themselves in his care.

but I've stopped now because I've finished all my popcorn.

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Noob on youtube. Empty Juniper apex is epic

Post  will baddeley Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:43 am

will baddeley
will baddeley

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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  coh Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:56 am

alonsou wrote:
He called out all the members of Midwest Bonsai Society "fools" even the instructors. Even calling Ryan Neil "stupid"

Thanks, that's all I need to know. Not worth my time to watch this "fool"!


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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  marcus watts Sat Dec 03, 2011 8:30 am

haha, great find - I watched, i had great fun commenting - at last there is somewhere everyone can be as harsh and brutal with their comments without upsetting any forum members - its like a new form of stress relief

and it turns out my utube id is my real name - Very Happy Very Happy -

best bit is you KNOW the guy will drift around on here as a guest - lets see if he has the balls to stop hiding behind his keyboard ...........i won't hold my breath

best regarrds Marcus
marcus watts
marcus watts

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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  landerloos Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:07 pm

Great job????????


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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  DreadyKGB Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:18 pm

Really I just feel sad for this guy.

1. He obviously lives in his parent's garage.
2. He is desperately grasping for some form of recognition.

It's just frustrating to watch someone present so much poor and misinformation intermixed with the bonsai vocabulary that he learn from a book or the "fools" at the Midwest Bonsai society. Hopefully anyone newly interested in bonsai will see that he is barely into his first season of bonsai and has virtually no experience.


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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  drgonzo Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:21 pm

DreadyKGB wrote:Really I just feel sad for this guy.

1. He obviously lives in his parent's garage.
2. He is desperately grasping for some form of recognition.

It's just frustrating to watch someone present so much poor and misinformation intermixed with the bonsai vocabulary that he learn from a book or the "fools" at the Midwest Bonsai society. Hopefully anyone newly interested in bonsai will see that he is barely into his first season of bonsai and has virtually no experience.


I also felt bad for the guy and tried to post helpful suggestions, Anyone watching would quickly deduce this is a novice and try to find better sources of info, His own ignorance is obvious and I think most people would pick up on that. I gave him good advice without condemnation and all his answers back to me this morning were conciliatory and even handed, these videos aren't instructional bonsai vid's......they're cries for help Sad

Hey Marcus did you see the video where he mentions joining a bonsai forum to find out about black spot, and Daconil...I instantly thought of us, I may go back through the threads and see if we can find something along those lines, maybe we can find him!


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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  Guest Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:39 pm

He got the attention right?

...The forum would be livelier if we got him on board. I was searching for a "Modern Master..." my search has ended...He is the one. Do you think he is accepting apprenticeship? cyclops .
Seems you guys are enjoying his wisdom. study lol!

jun Smile


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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  will baddeley Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:03 am

Forget thinking outside the box...Thinking within the garage is the way forward Jun
will baddeley
will baddeley

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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  Hans van Meer. Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:54 am

I find it so sad and so funny at the same time! His lack of understanding even the simplest Bonsai basics, is matched by his megalomaniacal ego that let to his twisted out look on reality! After I had seen all his video's and red his outrageous replies to people who confronted him with his mistakes and even wanted to help him.....well I am afraid that there is no helping this lonely boy and that is sad! I think it is better to let him be and simply ignore him!
Than he might just decide to stop all by him self! Before this long haired hippy white ass goes all medieval and finds daddy's.... ! Noob on youtube. Addemo14
No, I was going to say: sharp tools! Very Happy
Hans van Meer.
Hans van Meer.
Hans van Meer.

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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  DreadyKGB Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:11 am

will baddeley wrote:Forget thinking outside the box...Thinking within the garage is the way forward Jun

Well said Will. I was thinking I might spend the night in my garage hunting for inspiration!!!


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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  reg-i Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:35 am

Its like the bonsai comedy channel

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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  Guest Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:19 am

will baddeley wrote:Forget thinking outside the box...Thinking within the garage is the way forward Jun

Yes! and ask him not to come out in that freakin' garage.

Hey Hans, His megalomaniac Ego comes as a package of being a "bonsai master" ....Don't be so rude Razz all of you. If he stopped this show now. We won't be able to see the final chapter of that apex creation episode... I think his mommas cat lost his ball of yarn cat .

...Some good bonsai Artists, got long hair (I don't know the relationship between the long hair and the bonsai, but it seems to work anyway), I can name some like Hans and Robert, Will(?) and a few Filipinos too...But I am having a second thought of growing long hair now. This guy is giving you long haired guys a bad reputation Razz

jun Smile


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Noob on youtube. Empty Re: Noob on youtube.

Post  landerloos Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:58 am

will baddeley wrote:
...Some good bonsai Artists, got long hair (I don't know the relationship between the long hair and the bonsai, but it seems to work anyway), I can name some like Hans and Robert, Will(?) and a few Filipinos too...But I am having a second thought of growing long hair now. This guy is giving you long haired guys a bad reputation Razz

jun Smile

Hahahaha next time we meet Hans and the other long haired senseis (noelanders trophy) they all have short hair lol!


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