I would like some help with Ilex Crenatas?
tim stubbs
John Quinn
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I have just had the same problem with my ilex crenata: big part of leaves got brown and fell down. Maybe my experience could help
I think the problem was BLACK ROOT ROT.
I've re-potted my bonsai twice: first time I hadn't know what black or dark brown roots mean, why clay was everywhere... (I'm not very good at re-potting). So I'd cut some of dark roots and put it in the same pot. Leaves were still falling down.
Then I found this link: pubs.ext.vt.edu/450/450-606/450-606 and some other articles like this. I realized my ilex was ill.
In a big center of flowers and other stuff one smart woman told me: sellers don't think about how long their production will be alive, they need only money, so they use peat and clay instead of normal soil. This causes black root rot.
When re-potting again, I cut almost all bad roots, washed the good ones with fungicide (very important to kill troublemakers), used some root stimulant and bought a new pot. I've also cut dead branches and leaves with the intention of faster recovering.
Several days passed and I see new leaves
I hope this information will help and I'm sorry for my english..
I have just had the same problem with my ilex crenata: big part of leaves got brown and fell down. Maybe my experience could help
I think the problem was BLACK ROOT ROT.
I've re-potted my bonsai twice: first time I hadn't know what black or dark brown roots mean, why clay was everywhere... (I'm not very good at re-potting). So I'd cut some of dark roots and put it in the same pot. Leaves were still falling down.
Then I found this link: pubs.ext.vt.edu/450/450-606/450-606 and some other articles like this. I realized my ilex was ill.
In a big center of flowers and other stuff one smart woman told me: sellers don't think about how long their production will be alive, they need only money, so they use peat and clay instead of normal soil. This causes black root rot.
When re-potting again, I cut almost all bad roots, washed the good ones with fungicide (very important to kill troublemakers), used some root stimulant and bought a new pot. I've also cut dead branches and leaves with the intention of faster recovering.
Several days passed and I see new leaves
I hope this information will help and I'm sorry for my english..
pucca- Member
Re: I would like some help with Ilex Crenatas?
I might proceed with what you just wrote as my Ilex hasn’t changed except the leaves turned yellow. I will post some pictures in next following days and make my decision shortly after, thanks for some good information!
Adrius- Member
Hi Adrius,
Your holly is in very poor soil...if it were my tree I would repot NOW, in bonsai soil which is free draining. The old soil needs to be completely removed , which is a task that is not easy for a beginner in bonsai. There must be some bonsai club or nursery near London for some expert help.
The other problem I see is direct sun (window and outside) , my ilex thrives in shade which is dappled much like my boxwoods and is only inside when it is freezing weather and in a cool basement room for dormancy.
All of this may seem confusing ....please try to find a local bonsai grower for help!
Good luck and don't give up....we all lost trees when we were starting bonsai!
Best regards,
Your holly is in very poor soil...if it were my tree I would repot NOW, in bonsai soil which is free draining. The old soil needs to be completely removed , which is a task that is not easy for a beginner in bonsai. There must be some bonsai club or nursery near London for some expert help.
The other problem I see is direct sun (window and outside) , my ilex thrives in shade which is dappled much like my boxwoods and is only inside when it is freezing weather and in a cool basement room for dormancy.
All of this may seem confusing ....please try to find a local bonsai grower for help!
Good luck and don't give up....we all lost trees when we were starting bonsai!
Best regards,
Norma- Member
Re: I would like some help with Ilex Crenatas?
Well, I have two Ilex crenata and keep them outside next to some big holly bushes that have big prickly leaves, and they are two of my favorites because I haven't managed to kill them! When I look at your plant's trunk it looks all shrivelled and I wonder about it being all dried out, but I don't have my plants to look at to compare them to yours so I'm not sure. I did like how bushy yours looked before but also that it needed a trimming before. I really massacred one of mine but it resprouted so it should be okay. If yours is still alive then I bet it will be okay, books say they can be kept indoors but I wonder if they mean in a greenhouse or something. I will find out this winter if anything I have can make it thru alive....
jonkatzmail- Member
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