Rooting a Crepe Myrtle?
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Rooting a Crepe Myrtle?
I am about to cut down a large Crepe Myrtle in my front yard. What are my chances of getting a large branch/trunk to root? Can I root it in a water bucket, or plant in soil of some kind? Or is this tree destined to be firewood and nothing else? Thanks in advance for information.
bumblebee- Member
Re: Rooting a Crepe Myrtle?
How large is large? They root quite easily from cuttings. Use a rooting compound.
JimLewis- Member
Re: Rooting a Crepe Myrtle?
Well, the trunk is about 7-8 inches across, and the branches about half that and smaller. I'd really like to get one of those big branches to root if I can.
bumblebee- Member
Re: Rooting a Crepe Myrtle?
Chances on something like this are quite slim. I'd get rid of 99% of the foliage before trying a cutting this large.
It never hurts to try, though. BUT, do NOT move it for several years if it seems to sprout roots. You'll likely rip them away, otherwise.
I think the largest crape myrtle cutting I've ever tried was a bout an inch and a half.
It never hurts to try, though. BUT, do NOT move it for several years if it seems to sprout roots. You'll likely rip them away, otherwise.
I think the largest crape myrtle cutting I've ever tried was a bout an inch and a half.
JimLewis- Member
Re: Rooting a Crepe Myrtle?'d plant it in the ground to root? I was planning to put it in a pot first, but I really
don't know. Maybe I'll put one in a pot and another in the ground. There's lots of tree here.
don't know. Maybe I'll put one in a pot and another in the ground. There's lots of tree here.
bumblebee- Member
Re: Rooting a Crepe Myrtle?
Chances are about nil in the ground. I'd get a couple of 1 gal terra-cotta garden pots and start them in those. Sandy soil. If they start to put out leaves, fertilize heavily. Balanced fertilizer. Wait to do anything else until you see roots poking out the drainage hole.
JimLewis- Member
Re: Rooting a Crepe Myrtle?
Like willow (Salix) and Ficus, crape myrtle root easily. If you take your cutting in January or February in my area (Louisiana), you are just about guaranteed that it will take root.
A friend once found a large crape myrtle (10"-12" trunk diameter) on a trash heap beside the road in July. Although the tree had been baking in the July sun for 2-3 days, my friend brought it home on a trailer and potted it up. The tree survived!
My first job after grad school was at the SE Louisiana State Hospital in Mandeville. There was a lovely row of crape myrtles lining the road from the entrance. Each had been started as a 2"-3" cutting (in February) by the groundskeeper. So, there is hope for your crape myrtle, especially if you wait until late winter to make your cuttings.
A friend once found a large crape myrtle (10"-12" trunk diameter) on a trash heap beside the road in July. Although the tree had been baking in the July sun for 2-3 days, my friend brought it home on a trailer and potted it up. The tree survived!
My first job after grad school was at the SE Louisiana State Hospital in Mandeville. There was a lovely row of crape myrtles lining the road from the entrance. Each had been started as a 2"-3" cutting (in February) by the groundskeeper. So, there is hope for your crape myrtle, especially if you wait until late winter to make your cuttings.
Alan Walker- Member
Re: Rooting a Crepe Myrtle?
Thanks for the info. I'm encouraged to try it, even though I do have to get the cuttings now. Cut the tree down yesterday.
bumblebee- Member
The beginnings of them anyhow. I put 2 large branch cuttings in a bucket of water with some rooting hormone thrown in. They both quickly started growing leaves. And now, just yesterday I am seeing tiny little roots starting to poke out of the bottom ends. These cuttings are just over and under 3 inches so I am thrilled. I did also put one in the ground, but as predicted, it died. Any thoughts on how to proceed from here? And when?
bumblebee- Member
Re: Rooting a Crepe Myrtle?
Wow, that's awesome news. My advice is let it grow, grow, grow. You want a substantial amount of roots, not a wispy handful. Chances are some are going to break off when you pot it up so you want to have enough to spare.
Good luck.
Good luck.
EdMerc- Member
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