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Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain.

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Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Empty Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain.

Post  vetro Sun May 17, 2009 1:47 am

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain.
Dear friends, here I leave with you pictures of the annual exhibition this year, I hope you enjoy it.
Un saludo

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 250jfk8

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Hs19fn

1 Falso Alerce

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 25rp89c

2 Olmo Chino

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 2ekrozp

3 Romero

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 2h55oh5

4 Granado

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 2ez319z

5 Zelkova

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 2je8wtg

6 Rhododendro

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 2r3aukp

7 Olivo

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Os5n36
8 Azalea

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 33o747o

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Fokkkw

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 1zmf4md

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 2dlq4c3
Pino negro

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Nqa72v

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Ng7xq8

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Nwhvkp

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. W6wrc8

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 35jdu1s

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. E63tr6
Junipero chino

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 6y0fap

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Fk605l

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Kc9s2

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Rusoht
Acer Palmatum

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 15i1ahg

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 148gqyf
Tabaiba Dolca

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Z3fxj

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 34eq4au
Arbol de Jade

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Xe1ijb
Pino Halapensi

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 2rp9t0m
Bosque de Olmos

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 2rgkrxw

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Awoqs5
Bosque de Cedro

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Eapjzm

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 1490ftg
Junipero Chino

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 125m2s3

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. T4xz7m
Bosque de Chopos

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. E9cdnb

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 1601zrk

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 33wb37l

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. T85ajc

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Vshmcy

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 2cdlph

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. X0xvet

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Atodpv

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 102nsds

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 2n6t954
Acer Palmatum

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 2itpjeb

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 2lmniwl

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 8wiqv6

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 2a0gbgy

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 30mttg0
Acer Palmatum

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 21uc9d

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 2hhlo4j

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Rwj9ms

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 9k01v7

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 345y1zl
Junipero Chino

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 105bl3n

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Be7cq8

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 24mtkhx

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 29uxfrd
Falso Alerce

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 14ty735

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. 29ak5l

Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. W15sfa
Vista general.

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Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Empty Re: Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain.

Post  Storm Sun May 17, 2009 3:32 pm

Nice trees! Id love to go look at them.. Too bad there isnt much bonsai shows in Norway..

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Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Empty Re: Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain.

Post  Joe Hatfield Sun May 17, 2009 9:06 pm

Thanks for sharing all of those pics. Very NICE!
Joe Hatfield
Joe Hatfield

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Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain. Empty Re: Alicante IX Bonsai Club annual show at the House of Culture Mutxamel - Alicante, Spain.

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