informal broom/oak style = inverse taper
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informal broom/oak style = inverse taper
Is it generally acceptable to have inverse taper on an oak style or informal broom style tree? I see no other way around it, and in nature its everywhere? I have a huge trident with 4-5 big shoots coming off the main trunk in a vase-like arrangement and figure this would be a good one to do this style with. Does anyone have any pictures of this style that they have done (there is not much on google images most bonsai books about this)
bucknbonsai- Member
Re: informal broom/oak style = inverse taper
bucknbonsai wrote:Is it generally acceptable to have inverse taper on an oak style or informal broom style tree? I see no other way around it, and in nature its everywhere? I have a huge trident with 4-5 big shoots coming off the main trunk in a vase-like arrangement and figure this would be a good one to do this style with. Does anyone have any pictures of this style that they have done (there is not much on google images most bonsai books about this)
You're right , it's not a big issues with broom style as long as the branches take off from the trunk.
Can't say that I can recall seeing a broom style Trident. They are versatile styling wise though so it should work. Maybe someone has a photo of a good one.
Rob Kempinski- Member
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