Caarmona microphylla - Fukien Tea Tree
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Caarmona microphylla - Fukien Tea Tree
I'm posting this here on behalf of Phooji, as I don't grow tropicals, so can't answer the question.
we recently bought a tea tree macrophylia from a shopping centre, we've
had it for around a month and it was doing really well flowering and
new leaves were growing. Just recently though some of the leaves have
gone yellow and are falling off, it gets watered how the guy in the
store told us by immersing the pot in water for a couple of minutes or
until the air bubbles have stopped. Also I have noticed that there are
these white what i only describe as a powdery substance on some of the
leaves and stalks it kind of looks like pollen. Oh and when we first
got I noticed a tiny insect which looked like a slug but only a lot
smaller and when i tried to get it off it buried itself in the soil any
ideas what that could be. Tried to speak to them in the store we bought
it but it has since gone.
Hope you can help
we recently bought a tea tree macrophylia from a shopping centre, we've
had it for around a month and it was doing really well flowering and
new leaves were growing. Just recently though some of the leaves have
gone yellow and are falling off, it gets watered how the guy in the
store told us by immersing the pot in water for a couple of minutes or
until the air bubbles have stopped. Also I have noticed that there are
these white what i only describe as a powdery substance on some of the
leaves and stalks it kind of looks like pollen. Oh and when we first
got I noticed a tiny insect which looked like a slug but only a lot
smaller and when i tried to get it off it buried itself in the soil any
ideas what that could be. Tried to speak to them in the store we bought
it but it has since gone.
Hope you can help
Kev Bailey- Admin
Fukien Tea
Fukien Tea can be tempermental but it is easy to overwater. Is he using the meat skewer method before he waters. If it is indoors he needs to get it outside as soon as weather permits.
Fukien Tea can be tempermental but it is easy to overwater. Is he using the meat skewer method before he waters. If it is indoors he needs to get it outside as soon as weather permits.
Billy M. Rhodes- Member
Fukien Tea
I would suggest picking up a bottle of Pure Neam Oil. Mix it about 5 parts Neam Oil 1 part Dish Liquid and 10 parts water. Spray entire tree covering all leaves. Dont forget to spray up under the leaves as well. This will also act as a leaf polish. This solution works for just about any problem that I've had with my tropicals. Hope this works.
Dont use on Japanese Maples, or pines.
The Bonsai Im holding is a Fukien Tea.
Dont use on Japanese Maples, or pines.
The Bonsai Im holding is a Fukien Tea.
Eastern Bonsai- Member
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