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Treating jin and sharis

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Treating jin and sharis Empty Treating jin and sharis

Post  Bob Pressler Fri Jul 30, 2010 3:34 pm

Does anyone use anything other than lime sulphur for treating deadwood?
Bob Pressler
Bob Pressler

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Treating jin and sharis Empty Re: Treating jin and sharis

Post  JimLewis Fri Jul 30, 2010 3:37 pm

I often use Minwax wood hardener -- especially in the rare occasions I use LS for deciduous trees.

The "preservative" aspect of Lime Sulfur is vastly overstated, anyway. Even applying it full strength, it probably lasts for no more than 2 months.

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Treating jin and sharis Empty Re: Treating jin and sharis

Post  Bob Pressler Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:30 pm

do you find the minwax leaves a sheen? Thats been what I've noticed with a couple of wood hardening kits I've tried, not minwax though.
Bob Pressler
Bob Pressler

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Treating jin and sharis Empty Re: Treating jin and sharis

Post  JimLewis Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:31 pm

Yes. Quite a sheen, but a Dremel with a bristle brush disabuses it of that.

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Treating jin and sharis Empty Re: Treating jin and sharis

Post  Bob Pressler Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:37 pm

I'll give it a try on a couple of junipers. Thanks.
Bob Pressler
Bob Pressler

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Treating jin and sharis Empty treating jins and shari,s

Post  john5555leonard Sat Jul 31, 2010 3:25 am

depends on what tree you want to treat , lime sulphur is ok on junipers etc but if you are treating deciduous trees you need to use a more natural colour .one of the best things i used was arbrex its a tree wound sealant used for sealing cuts on fruit trees its very thick and dark brown tar like substance and contains an anti fungicide, its water soluble so just mix with water until you get the consistency you want then paint it on then get a dry cloth and wipe it off and you will get a natural look with it darker in the grain and lighter on top , a two tone effect , it may look a little too dark at first but as it ages it fades . if you cannot get arbrex builders merchants sell something similar as a waterproofing treatment . if you just want the natural colour of the wood teak oil is also good and when dry has no shine and it really soaks into the wood and preserves it . also you can use concrete water repellent but get the matt one not shiney ,this is a clear liquid and works good . if you use lime sulphur try mixing it with a little paint either white or grey or sumi ink to get the colour you want . have a good play. regards john


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