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Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Ted Clausen
Joe Hatfield
Dave Martin
peter keane
pine queen
Kev Bailey
Tom Benda
Rob Kempinski
luciano benyakob
Jerry Meislik
John Quinn
William Feldman
26 posters

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  William Feldman Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:46 pm

Two-and-a-half years ago, I affixed a bunch of trident maple seedlings to a wire framework and planted it in the ground. The seedlings have begun fusing together. In another year or two I can dig it up and treat it like a field-grown stump. The idea came from .
fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Fused_11

Here's what it looked like in Spring of '07:
fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Assemb10

That's the framework next to the audio tape:
fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Triden10

Last edited by Kev Bailey on Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:56 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Got the number of years wrong.)
William Feldman
William Feldman

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  John Quinn Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:10 am

It will be interesting to follow its development over the years!
John Quinn
John Quinn

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty looks great...

Post  Guest Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:08 pm

Hi William... the fusing is working well and the result looks great...keep us up to date.

BTW whats an 'Audio Tape'? ... that is so two technologies ago Rolling Eyes


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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  Jerry Meislik Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:33 pm

Nice work. Keep us posted on how it goes.
Jerry Meislik
Jerry Meislik

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  luciano benyakob Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:38 am

Nice work. Keep us posted on how it goes. [2]
Thanks Luciano.
luciano benyakob
luciano benyakob

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  William Feldman Thu Jan 21, 2010 2:18 am

Another year gone by. You can see where the "trunks" I removed last year are healing over:

fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Dsc02013

After removing some more "trunks":
fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Dsc02515

When I attached the trident maple seedlings to the framework, I tried to incorporate ALL my seedlings, thinking that the less vigorous ones would catch up eventually. Instead they died off, leaving grooves and gaps between the more vigorous trunks. If that gap visible near the bottom doesn't close, I'll make it the back:
fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Dsc02516

All sealed:
fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Dsc02517
fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Dsc02518
William Feldman
William Feldman

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  Rob Kempinski Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:35 am

Appears to be working well. Hows the nebari?

Is that black sealer hard to remove when the cuts heal?
Rob Kempinski
Rob Kempinski

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  William Feldman Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:02 pm

The black liquid pruning sealer mostly comes off by itself after being exposed to the elements for a year or so. A little bit of residue is visible around the scars from last years cuts. I wouldn't want to use it on a finished tree, or a tree that is close to being finished.

I'll dig up the tree this spring, and post a photo of the nebari.
William Feldman
William Feldman

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  Tom Benda Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:57 am

I think it´ll be possible to hide the hole. You can use one of the suckers, which will grow there, or another seedling.

Tom Benda

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  GeorgeJames Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:20 pm

That's so awesome. How many seedlings did it take to cover the framework? It's incredible how it's starting to look like a single trunk with a lot of character.

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  Kev Bailey Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:32 pm

Everyone should take a look at Dugz website. I've had it bookmarked for years. His work on Olives and Tridents is astonishing.

I have stopped using sealant on almost all trees. Maples are one of the few I still use a sealant on. I have recently started using Medo (made by Tenax) on the strong recommendations of my club mates. It is a clear liquid that certainly seems to speed callousing over. May not be available outside the UK?

Great work William. I agree that it's not going to take that long to cover or incorporate that gap. It all adds interest.
Kev Bailey
Kev Bailey

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident

Post  Guest Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:06 am

Thanks Kev, Dugz site is excellent. really liked the first Trident Very Happy


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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  pine queen Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:11 pm

Sealer...pine tar works great, actually a misnomer it is really pine sap. This dries clear.


pine queen

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  Rob Kempinski Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:11 pm

Kev Bailey wrote:Everyone should take a look at Dugz website. I've had it bookmarked for years. His work on Olives and Tridents is astonishing.

Too bad he hasn't updated his web site in years. I ran into him at a convention and he seems like a nice guy. Very innovative work.
Rob Kempinski
Rob Kempinski

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  peter keane Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:46 pm

Excellent series. I've thought about doing this before. You're project has inspired me to think about it again..Thanks
peter keane
peter keane

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  William Feldman Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:23 am

GeorgeJames wrote:How many seedlings did it take to cover the framework? It's incredible how it's starting to look like a single trunk with a lot of character.
This one I assembled last Spring, (2009), has 90 seedlings attached to the framework. I left it in a container so I can bring it to a club meeting.

fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Dsc02613

fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Dsc02611

fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Dsc02612
William Feldman
William Feldman

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  William Feldman Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:59 pm

Rob Kempinski wrote:Appears to be working well. Hows the nebari?
Here are today's photos.
fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Dsc02913
fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Dsc02914
fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Dsc02915
fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Dsc02916
William Feldman
William Feldman

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  Smithy Sat Apr 03, 2010 9:10 pm

I love it. Smile

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  Dave Martin Sat Apr 03, 2010 9:18 pm

Recently I bought some MEDO sealant it was in a tub BUT far from being clear it it the same colour as Arbrex Seal and Heal????
I agree that it does the trick though.
Dave Martin
Dave Martin

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  AlainK Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:04 pm

Very nice result, a lot of potential there.

But let's play the "devil's advocate" (correct translation welcome):

A 2-3 yr-old seedling costs about 1.65 € here (I'd say about $1.50, or £1.50, more or less)

90 seedling will make about 150 €.

Is it worth it when you don't grow your own stock?

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  armagh Mon Apr 05, 2010 2:51 pm

But let's play the "devil's advocate" (correct translation welcome):

A 2-3 yr-old seedling costs about 1.65 € here (I'd say about $1.50, or £1.50, more or less)

90 seedling will make about 150 €.

Is it worth it when you don't grow your own stock?

Not nearly that expensive in the U.S. After seeing this thread I bought 100 similar sized whips for $40 (including shipping) and embarked on a similar project.


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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  Joe Hatfield Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:36 pm

I have been waiting for an update for this Smile !! Thanks! I was thinking about trying it myself.
Let me ask, How much maintenance did this require over the last few years?

What type of problems did you have?

Joe Hatfield
Joe Hatfield

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  littleart-fx Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:44 pm

Hi! all! as in trident, it does not come clear to me what the species is?, has enormous growth!

Fast trident, big foliage?

grtzz. m where fire was hot yesterday! Easter tradition!

As in money seeds are quick!
I live in my gran pa's house under 2 maples my father has planted,...he does magic with seed! Ooops
Seeds from maple are terror in spring chickens won't eat them.... Evil or Very Mad
They seed!


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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  William Feldman Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:38 am

Joe Hatfield wrote:Let me ask, How much maintenance did this require over the last few years?

What type of problems did you have?
When the wire framework is almost completely covered with seedlings, hooking the twist-tie around the framework wire becomes increasingly difficult. The technique that works best for me is to bend the twist-tie into a flat check-mark shape, hold the longer half between thumb and forefinger, insert it into the gap between seedlings, and hook it behind the framework wire so that the short half of the twist-tie comes back out of the gap. I hope that makes sense. Also, it helps to hang the framework on a string attached to the ceiling while you are working, so you have both hands free for detailed work.

I cut the individual seedlings flush with the trunk in midwinter. Ideally, I cut only the ones that are fused with both of the adjacent seedlings, and whose adjacent seedlings are fused with each other higher up. If a seedling has a large diameter, I use a chisel or grinder to reduce the stub. I suspect that if I hadn't included so many weak seedlings (as described earlier in the thread), there would have been fewer "gaps", and the seedlings would have been able to fuse with each other sooner, before growing so large in diameter. Aside from the midwinter pruning, I just leave it alone.

Doug Philips digs up his trees after two years to trim and rearrange the roots. I skipped that step. He has a detailed record on his site:

William Feldman
William Feldman

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

Post  Ted Clausen Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:22 am

How long did you wait before removing the tie-wraps? There doesn't seem to be any scarring or evidence of the wraps on the tree.

Ted Clausen

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fused - Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum Empty Re: Fused-trunk Trident, Acer buergerianum

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