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pine bark as a growing medium

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pine bark as a growing medium Empty pine bark as a growing medium

Post  bobby little Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:08 pm

seen lots of references to using it on here and I've seen it in garden centres, but only as decorative stuff, and it looks like muckle chunks of wood. Don't understnd. Is there a specific type?
bobby little
bobby little

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pine bark as a growing medium Empty Re: pine bark as a growing medium

Post  JimLewis Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:11 pm

You want shredded pine bark, and you don't generally use it right out of the bag. Pour it into a pile and let it sit, watering every so often so it starts to compost.

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pine bark as a growing medium Empty Re: pine bark as a growing medium

Post  bobby little Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:26 pm

bobby little
bobby little

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pine bark as a growing medium Empty Re: pine bark as a growing medium

Post  Kev Bailey Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:01 pm

You can buy composted pine bark in the UK, from garden centres. I prefer to use a better grade of uncomposted pine bark for well drained mixes. It is more expensive and it rots down more slowly. Look for something like Golden Pine Nuggets. I use it as is for largest trees and screen it for smaller stuff. Sometimes I put it through a garden shredder to get a very fine soil constituent, but you have to have eagle eyes to prevent any stones getting in and damaging the blade.
Kev Bailey
Kev Bailey

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