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Bouganville of a friend...

Mirek Halatin
luciano benyakob
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Bouganville of a friend... Empty Bouganville of a friend...

Post  luciano benyakob Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:01 pm

Rock Júnior Wrote: The plant was obtained with the friend Luciano de Teresópolis in 2000. E its choice if gave for the beauty, thickness and natural movement of the trunk. - Arriving at the Nursery Terra Bonsai, some basic procedures had been made that they aimed at to stimulate an excellent development to radicular development and consequently the formation of a healthful, vigorous brotação and distributed well: - A new angle of plantation was chosen having searched to still more value its movement of the trunk and to balance it; - The training vase was well bigger that the size of the ball of roots - the substratum was composed almost total for thick sand.
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAACZ2cs4acjXAJqDwRzvy8tEgtO07oXgh1WTozbnj1O8uxSlTRecn_V09hjrX5Pqy-pfUzcpu-x58M8OQ1PyEbPTAJtU9VCM8kDpB7y0_JpMRwRejI_mhfnSdA
After one year of plantation, was initiated the work, discarding almost all the twigs of the new ramification...
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAABAt5g72pGKxagn_guFuyZTZdzN2UzkJ2U-qNorh2g2NGSv6-9QXwAAMJ4uLBclgQW1AL3G1nJp-gw9cueACCxeAJtU9VCrzxowu6buHfVVyR5C3o1chC3h-g
A posterior propping of the trunk was made to support its weight and to prevent a possible displacement that could harm of the new roots...
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAAAdMiUOvNVYwYiAL8c3cuWVwjSsv82a4rtCIabdWlOcXjQrGPt6VR1NaBLqkFwnF1_pJJgLCdr4zYaTsYF8i8hQAJtU9VDSkBkvEUcHerf6Rz7NU2vYPuEksw
In these few selected twigs, were also initiated the framework work...
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAAAaDCG7BW4TaLU51CM5JKxHaaHJ940mjuIl4BG5YprbNtrpR2LU9NjPjJAaHy4nvZddHnKglLCKIi6mr_Z-y297AJtU9VB0yS-s8GHHw36gtFYc5qPGYbRigg
2 months if had passed… With a good and regular fertilization, the new ramification appeared vigorous and healthful…
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAAAG7Ad0YBoroJ2rgkQpXrUSTGUuNqdwP1bzzhIypyC2BarRSJ_cOcjZOMYzbM6QFqMQrLHD6lVkIdt0JhggV2MmAJtU9VCTMA6iNzN12L64cDUay20Cf7Jejw
With 50cm of length and approximately still green, the twigs were in the ideal point for a new framework...
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAABbsknOB-cZEnGiPuFmTleneH0YACNFqarOx797fTOs8wdcVTNDr7lnRW4k2uPoNhujukLcd3ZI_GE_DGfwYYPnAJtU9VCt2nPsYcwYqPbACs5m90QDwOCQdQ
Rock Jr. and Rodrigo had selected the twigs to be eliminated and aramaram the ones that had remained…
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAABD_rCUGeH5aayeGyuDHHakpyToc9nl83BzC-wn8F629ma20sMxnPt0bLE4-QpPq0rki6pUmbj3PX6guPRz5MTqAJtU9VBdXAdFxxl7nzcD6LS-FI4rmcfnUA
General aspect of the plant already with the pruning of election and partially worked...
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAAB0l9bS-S0T1XkDDzPMhuUooCem42LBvzVIhuitevXkIVCQAWXlTcZCMktNtVt7j9pbunGxDtFB-GF8zIvIx7GZAJtU9VCxKO4a5PcL8yX9ODT9uYJaQdcx-w
In this image the new disposal of the branches with the use of the wires and the definition of the new apex can be seen with clarity…
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAAARqew-DK4pRCLVmsgzmTivdnAqL8nwz7SVuMjJlI9c7exw5OqailkIW37T_jsOnCE8RwbDatOeq2820aEw5b7nAJtU9VCzlrBoPKuInzYQbSHb6U8vU4oNDA
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAADL6X2rsiuqVgOQtqSdHAC7o9Z1sY7rgKORP8U99L-Xhc12euUib7U-EGRfI6lT78NjwicdMnwbLYfmYvKn0yrvAJtU9VCAQZuZ_4gMXJWvzra63JJWmmaUIg
After 9 months of free growth, without interventions, this is the new aspect of the Bougainville…
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAADXXQDeGem8zcA0MePdVxDSnlQX0nPmSEAzaeSXghuCw9Um5I5qmePaz02hJTG8s9i0ZCN8GwmPXDRoYXYYr1_IAJtU9VAUu1q9YvDExN7sy6MKYLjqNKgPIA
The sprouts that had appeared in the spring abundant, vigorous and were well ramified...
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAACpMdB0NZHcMaO1grKiSBYjpnx86lz-lEw89zh-Btw2yFjXcvkF0C6W40mW-fdSZu7SmHs368oF08Jx96PAqa_lAJtU9VBzC4NbIylrvBVKMDgV-nNEItvYnQ
Removed all the previous wires, were made a new framework after the pruning of election and compacting aiming at the new silhouette of the pantry…
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAAAAqm9sDXkkQALLJFk0s6vvB_fyE68wSUaGf27bkpDbukUP9T-6l6-uKZelDNLwhxs0-twz1TC7Zk3-Zfr2ZCKIAJtU9VAtPthI8lwFznrMR_4cT-QAlHvnXg
To get health and a good reply of the Bonsai, the branches had grown freely under regular and intensive cares of fertilization...
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAAC4NvzDB0lBo2d3jyTTF06sSMZu6ubuAX1fO3BxnhV1b27cbecsOe3_UBkiU9Di5NnlXakK-tXmvoC3eGyJsQRIAJtU9VCVRBz2p_h9QcNAItAOXSYyyp9kfw
After new pruning, this is the aspect of the plant at the beginning of plus a spring…
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAABqn6-3n8WlEF6aT9L3iaalloZfm4MVCWlKLy-QJGHp6wUyMj5AB33b9UfQKSqnbHVpaortXEgM8_BvTTeoFlUSAJtU9VDCrzrixIyLQcGeY2nX1edG--ZfXw
In this season, he is ideal to recommence the modeling work. A general cleanness of the pantry through the pruning was made…
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAACbLd0hnzwuKHnOcoGo1hwMeQpgGuEKivUPvNK8lAr62QPR1Wc8-ynODWIZFNetP8x2U78OLA1LsZvOiy1BvJLjAJtU9VB_gOssA35tvmPQ-dJvtrFZWMmDAQ
Already if it can perceive with clarity the general structure of the form of the Bonsai with ramification and compacting of the twigs…
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAADV7ny88w3cSAQg4smhCUwioNVJjuqfj-yjSVP8UPxR4PfvONJsRlXigooYKIUErtCSFkEZIqAyLwzo1y8JNEz6AJtU9VA0iQoHRc_ngAxo0wQq6wMyZujZ5Q
Made a new framework, now it is hour of caprichar in the basic cares...
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAABQM1IZzWg0cDzH2SBvFm3EMyy1NCaeAbVIbPVR8_x2Jf6IBMMvq8L1kWhm7khp6Cf3kFa2lXWtBgybVL2xXVoLAJtU9VA0RQqOdIhhKcsZiN56b_NDPNdYqw
60 days if had passed and the result is a dense and healthful pantry forming a beautiful volume of green mass.
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAACa2Kml-I1YOpXQ8x6XlP9sfSwIpXRPhLFBE83PNNZfSoYq-sLw4UEDPktlqFi2-Cn5uVCN0ytUQyFIBYb7aln3AJtU9VCJ2d-FE7inlcDuMQgy_TEQ6SJQiA
After 3 years and way of work what it is seen it is this pantry structuralized with well distributed budding if forming…
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAAADwR-DZDIV76FHamG5SYH6eH-um122yH0xYH3bqUR4BpZpRPCbZHvZTVtalEp2Qlc6LhDUC4rjRe1-QZA6u_PxAJtU9VDDBkS7rGWBEuZorkR4W7XOod1wzg
With the arrival of the winter, one was made takes away the leaves intense to enhance the budding that was for blunting...
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAADyvTuYtOfetBa-IklATG5s2z5p3cqqIaS5KBGnUUdDZ2Ds_trKEdSpF-arBbFl5t6APSDPXKF6X5hADAK-Y78hAJtU9VBhsCmVVhUG9ljlNVeIqlH9J1gZOQ
One month later… photo of the pantry almost total filled of budding...
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAADgMffPRvDXsw7RTIHUr93ClkOX5DO04Fsyg5gSguylIhlAIpOtdtbQJR49ZYkMKZykGgbRWRIvSkHRlRhdjDuGAJtU9VCVdiBvCRDcySG76_gdgamPp--0Xw
The general aspect is very pretty and calls attention who visit the Nursery Terra Bonsai..
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAADwRG8HiUmfQR91Ilxgra_jIun4ELDJ8T3gSWHpgtCYBEfDG1_YECAOs885L8fdNhNvdenVBp06bFfIyRLwIELKAJtU9VC0LJXhN6NzKWnmLtYk_XvqSkI8Pw
Tranplante finished with the aid of the friends! It looks at the joy of the group….
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAADJAg3QmZSKFv-XNcPL5IRX_YiT8tynR0GJZBBO_kuFEUIgCKxdBvKcV5qwpmRjBVtowmM6N1JnimKUPFiL7f-DAJtU9VCp1PbFzwfoOhlfM0EDfk1kNY9ahQ
Photo of it no longer vase taken off in July of 2008…
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAADRFn2qfV-eaTAL8bkpVzKBVntqW7oPQUkMyx50cqXqB19Apa6mA4VXV07VxN5mCPsctdEVZ9HZKOsZ_WImuj51AJtU9VAaNumZIjitDGYNK4IKc81DoH5bfw
Detail of the pantry…
Bouganville of a friend... ATgAAACHXAqyoD5UUC1IB9C8nwlI37NpkZPBpB-xt-dC9Q8HqZsaFVo0-kUxOeQwL6yTDJJXHDN4LZkIyZe8iXo38kr_AJtU9VBqu6p7agcRaRAggklJwiHy77XJaA
Information of the plant in Jul/06: Thickness of the trunk: 19cm/Height of the plant: 85cm…
Rock Júnior, is one of the best artists of Brazil, having been pupil of our bigger master: Osamu Hidaka. Now it promotes and he is pupil of Salvatore Liporace…
Thanks Luciano.

Last edited by luciano benyakob on Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
luciano benyakob
luciano benyakob

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Bouganville of a friend... Empty ...

Post  Mirek Halatin Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:15 pm

Wonderfull tree. I've been fascinated by lovely red coloured leaves.

Great progress. Wink
Mirek Halatin
Mirek Halatin

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Bouganville of a friend... Empty Plant...

Post  luciano benyakob Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:22 pm

Mirek, I am thankful!
I forgot to mention that all work delayed 8 years!
Thanks Luciano.
luciano benyakob
luciano benyakob

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Bouganville of a friend... Empty Re: Bouganville of a friend...

Post  Bolas Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:48 pm

What a Face GMAW What a Face - Great Material Amazing Work!!!

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Bouganville of a friend... Empty Bouganville

Post  claudioferreira Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:55 am

Had already seen this work, it is really a nifty exemplary!!

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Bouganville of a friend... Empty Re: Bouganville of a friend...

Post  luciano benyakob Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:36 am

Claudio, Plus a work of art of our friend Rock Júnior!
And made with much ability!
Thanks Luciano.
luciano benyakob
luciano benyakob

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Bouganville of a friend... Empty Re: Bouganville of a friend...

Post  Jay Wed Feb 25, 2009 1:43 pm

Luciano, thank you for the photos. I totally love this tree. It is wonderful to see such beautiful flowers and color, especially with my weather. We have just received over 2 feet of new snow in the past couple of days, the temp this AM was 3F. I guess I will wait for a bit to work on my trees.



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Bouganville of a friend... Empty Re: Bouganville of a friend...

Post  luciano benyakob Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:51 pm

Jay, In certain places of the Europe, it is dealt with as indoor plant .
E worked in climatized places, having good results!
How cold that makes in your city!
Thanks Luciano.
luciano benyakob
luciano benyakob

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Bouganville of a friend... Empty Re: Bouganville of a friend...

Post  Joe Alansalon Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:24 pm

Very nice amigo. You have shown its stages of development, very educational.
In 3 years, you have shown its potential as a flowering bonsai, it can compete
the Azaleas.

Joe Alansalon

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