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Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn

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Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Empty Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn

Post  Chris Cochrane Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:38 pm

If I had taken my camera to every event shared among members, there would be no time to display them. As it is, I've fallen far behind. Our last two meetings (one this past Sunday) were in Autumn & I will try to attach some early Autumn displays at the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum as well as late Autumn displays-- each included kusamono (grass &/or wildflower plantings), bonsai & stones prepared by Museum staff and volunteers. Between the early & late exhibit was an exhibit of chrysanthemum viewing stones as well as a presentation by the owner, who is also the U.S. National Arboretum director, Dr. Thomas Elias. In very late summer, PVSG had a mountain river collecting trip where I got to know a new & talented collector.

Let us start by photos of stones PVSG’s new member collected in late summer/early fall at a river location distinct from any previously located stones. Photos from Ponder Henley of his stones (edited for publishing):

Members in PVSG seldom cut stones they've collected in our region. A visitor but potential new PVSG member (& recent California Suiseki Society president) Eorl Carlson thought this stone should be cut & saw two viewing angles-- his preference was for the scene imagined with the stone flipped-- I need to find a photo which does the other side justice. I liked viewing near the angle shown here:
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Highmt12

One of Ponder's figure stones:
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Figure10

A smooth black stone (2 views):
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Smooth10
... and
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Smooth11

Last edited by Chris Cochrane on Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:28 am; edited 1 time in total
Chris Cochrane
Chris Cochrane

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Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Empty Re: Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn

Post  Chris Cochrane Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:55 pm

Ponder's mountain stone with a very nice (perhaps, brocade or calligraphic) pattern:
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Mtston10

Ponder's black stone with softly worn contours and shallow filled cracks along its flat top in the pattern of a turtle shell:
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Turtle11
... same stone at the meeting on Sunday:
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Ponder10

Ponder's coastal rock or high peak plain for habitation:
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Highsh10

Ponder's Yellow Wax rock:
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Yellow10
Chris Cochrane
Chris Cochrane

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Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Empty Re: Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn

Post  HuuHiep Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:59 am

Hi Chris Cochrane,

Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Mtston10
The stone is very nice, I love its texture so much. I wonder that it is a metamorphic rock in Ponder's mountain. Could you do me a favour and give me the name of it? Thanks you so much.

Best regards,

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Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Empty Re: Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn

Post  Chris Cochrane Fri Nov 13, 2009 6:04 pm

Hi HuuHiep... The stone owner lurks here and is a geologist. From the photo of the stone, I think the dark matrix is limestone that has not metamorphosed (?) into marble. Hope that helps until Ponder can share a better explanation.

I promised posting photos of autumn stone club activities & events at the Museum...

A club collecting site (mountain river) in early September...
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00053

An small introductory poster on Chrysanthemum stones at the Museum (many on-loan)...
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00054

Mum' stones (from ~34 mum stones displayed in exhibit areas at this visit)...
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00055

Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00056

Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00057

Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00058

Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00059

Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00060

Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00061

Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00062

"Early to Mid Autumn" can be expressed with the sight/sounds of insects & migratory birds-- including a group of shore birds in Museum exhibits...
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00063

Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00064

Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00065
Chris Cochrane
Chris Cochrane

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Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Empty Re: Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn

Post  Chris Cochrane Fri Nov 13, 2009 6:13 pm

Still in early/mid autumn... A hint of color changing-- especially dampening of summer intensity in grasses & wildflowers...
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00066

Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00067

Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00068

An introduction to California mum' stones...
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00069

and examples... (coming soon-- I need to save the file.)
Chris Cochrane
Chris Cochrane

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Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Empty Re: Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn

Post  Chris Cochrane Sat Nov 14, 2009 3:58 pm

California Chrysanthemum Stones borrowed for the Museum exhibit...

"Fox in Mums" (on loan from Richard H. Wilson)...
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00075

Chrysanthemum Mountain (Alice Greaves, collector)...
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00076

"Moonlight, Moths & Mums" (Ken McCloud, collector-- gift to American Viewing Stone Resource Center in memory of Alice Kikue Greaves)...
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00077

Chrysanthemums (Cliff Johnson, collector; on loan from Skip Chalfont)...
Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Dsc00078

Please excuse problems with this set of photos-- they are taken through a glass-fronted case, the stones sit on reflective glass shelves and the photographer (me) is wearing a bright red sweater.
Chris Cochrane
Chris Cochrane

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Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Empty Re: Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn

Post  RandiSharp Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:08 pm

Lovely stones and wonderful displays. Thanks for posting Chris.


Richmond, Va


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Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn Empty Re: Potomac Viewing Stone Group in Autumn

Post  Chris Cochrane Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:14 pm

Updates have only recently been posted by Museum Curator Ked Dell on the Autumn Arts of Nature exhibit at the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum in Washington DC. Some of it was reviewed last fall, but the Museum explanations & photos are very good in expressing the season. Visit the National Bonsai Foundation site hosting the images by clicking the blue hotlink!
Chris Cochrane
Chris Cochrane

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