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Is this a Juniper or part of the Juniper Family?

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Is this a Juniper or part of the Juniper Family? Empty Is this a Juniper or part of the Juniper Family?

Post  krillin Fri Jan 02, 2015 7:46 pm

Hi All,

I ran accross this tree yesterday close to where I am on Holiday.....just curious if it is a Juniper or a close family member......looks very similar and growing in the wild, I've never seen one growing wild before.

I am in South Africa, Cape Town

Is this a Juniper or part of the Juniper Family? 20150102_213833_zps5df0a8a1

Is this a Juniper or part of the Juniper Family? 20150101_135728_zpse095bddf

Is this a Juniper or part of the Juniper Family? 20150101_135722_zpsaec5eec2

Nay input appreciated



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Is this a Juniper or part of the Juniper Family? Empty Re: Is this a Juniper or part of the Juniper Family?

Post  JimLewis Fri Jan 02, 2015 7:51 pm

Looks like it, but I have no idea what juniper might be found in South Africa.

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Is this a Juniper or part of the Juniper Family? Empty Juniper

Post  bonsaisr Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:22 pm

There is one Juniper in South Africa, J. procera. Actually your tree looks more like a Chamaecyparis, another genus in the same family, the Cupressaceae. Do some Googling and see if you find a match.

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Is this a Juniper or part of the Juniper Family? Empty Re: Is this a Juniper or part of the Juniper Family?

Post  Vance Wood Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:38 am

bonsaisr wrote:There is one Juniper in South Africa, J. procera. Actually your tree looks more like a Chamaecyparis, another genus in the same family, the Cupressaceae. Do some Googling and see if you find a match.

I agree it very well could be a Cupressaceae (Cypress), it could also be a domestic wilding.
Vance Wood
Vance Wood

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Is this a Juniper or part of the Juniper Family? Empty Re: Is this a Juniper or part of the Juniper Family?

Post  krillin Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:16 am

looks alot like a Leyland cypress, what do you guys think, I'm struggling to properly identify it. However I didnt see any cones on the tree itself.

Could it be?


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Is this a Juniper or part of the Juniper Family? Empty Re: Is this a Juniper or part of the Juniper Family?

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