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Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting

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Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting Empty Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting

Post  Lazaro Quintino Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:52 pm

This is why I love the Ficus species but especially the Ficus microcarpa for bonsai. You can take as many cuttings as you'd like and stick them in the ground or in pots and you will more than likely get about a 99% success rate. F. microcarpa cuttings root quickly and start growing even quicker. I had so many cutting at one point that I hate to admit that I threw many away when the roots had not developed properly on some of the trees. The first photo is of one of my F. microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting that I had done about a month or so when this photo was taken in June 2009. Soon after I wired the entire cutting down to the ground and bent it in a slant position as I wanted to develop a slant style tree. Flash forward a short 5 years later (July 2014) and here is the same tree in the second photo that has an approximately 2 inch diameter trunk. The root system on F. microcarpa is amazing and new roots develop from fresh cuts within just a couple of days. After about 2 weeks you have what looks like strands of sphaghetti that have developed from any cut roots. I just recently repotted this tree and planted the impressive root system a bit shallower so I could continue developing it. It will surely be an impressive tree in another 5 years.
Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting 06-13-10
Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting 07-20-10
Lazaro Quintino
Lazaro Quintino

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Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting Empty Re: Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting

Post  leatherback Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:20 pm

THat in 5 years?
I am def. in the wrong climatic region. (Think 20 years where I live)

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Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting Empty Re: Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting

Post  Lazaro Quintino Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:33 pm

Yes, living in Miami has its advantages. I sometimes hesitate fertilizing my trees because I can't control the growth afterwards. It has been raining heavily everyday for the past 3 weeks. Repotted all of my trees on Father's Day and just hit them all with Osmocote today.
Lazaro Quintino
Lazaro Quintino

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Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting Empty Re: Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting

Post  Dreamcast Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:13 pm

 Very Happy  gotta love Ficus.M! any more pictures from previous years you can show?

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Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting Empty Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting

Post  Lazaro Quintino Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:38 pm

Here are a few more photos.
October 2009 wired to develop slanted trunk
Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting 10-17-10
April 2011 after defoliation and some wire
Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting 04-09-10
September 2012 large branch removed. Large surface roots were removed a year later.
Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting 09-02-10
Lazaro Quintino
Lazaro Quintino

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Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting Empty Re: Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting

Post  Dreamcast Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:41 pm

Very good job! Smile

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Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting Empty Re: Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting

Post  Neli Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:55 pm

Very inspiring....thank you for posting.

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Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting Empty Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' update

Post  Lazaro Quintino Wed Nov 23, 2016 1:23 pm

Here is an update on my tree 2 1/2 years after my last posting. It has grown incredibly in these last few years and I recently removed a very large branch that originated from the back of the tree. Enjoy.
Ficus microcarpa 'tigerbark' cutting Ibc_fi11
Lazaro Quintino
Lazaro Quintino

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