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Wire marks

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Wire marks Empty Wire marks

Post  marc74 Sun Jun 29, 2014 10:13 am

This baby redwood was styled by my bonsai expert at a workshop a couple of months ago.

since then it has some growth and a couple of times i thought that maybe the wire is now pinching into but also unsure how much the tree would spring back to shape

in the end today i was adamant i had better remove and seems i was good to do so.

some marks have been left, will these eventually grow out?
any rule of thumb of when to remove etc?

Wire marks 20140610
Wire marks 20140611
Wire marks 20140612


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Wire marks Empty Re: Wire marks

Post  arihato Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:03 pm

They look relatively minor and will grow out.
I have done worse........

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Wire marks Empty Re: Wire marks

Post  JimLewis Sun Jun 29, 2014 1:18 pm

Given time, they will disappear. The deeper grooves will take longer, of course.

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Wire marks Empty Re: Wire marks

Post  Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai Sun Jun 29, 2014 2:39 pm

in answer to your second question, no rule of thumb, but when a tree is in a very active growth period, you really have to stay on top of it and remove the wire at the first sign of it cutting in... less so during "sleepy" times for the trees.

(i'm not a pine guy but i hear that some wire scarring on pines can be more acceptable as it adds character as the bark later grows...)

and this is something i have a hard time with because it seems wasteful, but do not try to un-wind the wire for re-use (unless you can do so without flexing the tree)... in other words you don't want to un-do what has been done by flexing the tree and re-breaking the cells that have set in the new bends... so, best to always cut the wire off (i keep a tray of scrap wire for small jobs).

hope that helps
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai
Kevin S - Wisco Bonsai

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Wire marks Empty Re: Wire marks

Post  marc74 Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:13 pm

yeah i cut most off and the odd unwire if it was easier etc

its kept its shape so ill let it be and grow some more


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