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Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Kev Bailey
9 posters

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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  Norma Mon Oct 19, 2009 3:58 am

My Japanese maple was brought out of the garage so we could enjoy it's autumn colors. Most of my bonsai were moved inside for freeze protection after a rare cold snap. Minnesota usually doesn't see this kind of low temps until November.

Looking ahead to Spring and a new pot for this maple, I thought I'd ask your advice on the style and size of pot that would best suit this tree. The tree is 22 inches (56 cm ) tall with a 36 inch (92 cm) branch spread. The pot it's in now is 9 x 12 inches (23 x 30.5 cm).

Since it's branch spread is so wide, my problem is determining the size of a new pot. I'm open to styling suggestions also !


Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Img_0212

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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  irene_b Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:01 am

I would think a oval shallow pot at least twice the size.


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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  Velodog2 Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:11 am

irene_b wrote:I would think a oval shallow pot at least twice the size.

I agree, perhaps with straight sides and a more muted glaze color and gloss. It is a very nice tree!


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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  fiona Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:51 am

Hi Norma. I'd agree with the shallow oval as well. I'd also agree with the comment about it being a nice tree.

Regarding styling: if it were mine, I'd either shorten or entirely remove the low long branch as personally I think it pulls the eye away too much from the rest of the tree. If removed, the branch above would over time grow down sufficiently to give something in that space. If left, the shorter branch would need to develop a bigger leaf pad. I'd prefer the solidity of the more compact tree you'd get with either option, but it's a matter of personal taste I guess .

NB the branch three up on the right as you look at it would need to be shortened as well in either of the above scenarios.

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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  Kev Bailey Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:09 am

That's odd, I replied with a recommendation to shorten that low right branch but my post failed.

A lovely tree, and a shallow oval would suit it well.

Here's my group of airlayered maples in a Walsall studio Ceramics pot. Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Maplef11
Kev Bailey
Kev Bailey

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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  Ian Warhurst Mon Oct 19, 2009 3:33 pm

Fantastic Kev thumbs up


Ian Warhurst

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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  Norma Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:01 pm

Irene and Velodog2, Thanks for the pot suggestions .... a shallow oval it will be Smile

Fiona, I bought this maple last spring from an older club member who could no longer care for his larger trees. He was so proud of the lower right branch but I've felt the same as you that it is distracting. If it were a larger and more dense branch it might have been suitable! I'm going to do a little trimming today but I'll probably wait until next next spring for any big cuts. Thanks for the "nudge" !!

Kev, What a beautiful forest !! Wow... airlayers Shocked How long has it been in training?


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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  John Quinn Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:09 pm

I like the tree...great color. One idea...

Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Normap10
John Quinn
John Quinn

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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  fiona Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:21 pm

Pretty much what I had in mind as one option.

But I'm crap at photoshop! Sad

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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  fiona Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:24 pm

Almost, it seems, as crap as I am at Math as it was in fact the fourth branch up that needed shortening.

I'm an English teacher - we're allowed to be pants at Maths.

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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  Norma Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:44 pm

Thank you , John..... it's lovely !! Who is the potter? I'll have to check with Sara Rayner to see if she has something like this. The size looks to be around 20 to 24 inches with a 2 inch depth?

Hey Fiona ... I'm with you ...photoshop is daunting What a Face I love the descriptive word you used ... it was one of my favorite words in high school until I was reprimanded by the dorm matron!


Last edited by Norma on Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Pot Selection

Post  gman Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:50 pm

Hi Norma,
My first impression on pot choice was also a shallower one and I must also agree that an oval shape would set off the tree nicely. About the size......if the pot it's currently in is 12" then I think that a minimum of 16" should work and I think one with a narrow lip like the style of the pot in Kev's forest would look very nice.

I also noted that long lower branch that's a little toooo long........ one other thing of note.......with big mature maples (in the real world) the larger main branches then to move downwards (especially at the ends - droop towards the ground) so I think you might want to incorporate/create that into the design?!.

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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  Kev Bailey Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:23 pm

Thanks Norma,

I've been putting it together over eight years. All trees came off the same parent tree and yet they sometimes defoliate at different times. That may be to do with the adjustments to position and one swap out that I did a couple of years ago. I hope they all get in sync eventually.

I intend to add a few more thin ones at the back, after next seasons air layerings.

By the way, it is a common or garden green Acer palmatum, that was used as grafting stock for the full moon variety but the graft failed and the stock took over. I was just very lucky that it is one that colours up exceptionally well.
Kev Bailey
Kev Bailey

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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  fiona Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:57 pm

Norma wrote: Hey Fiona ... I'm with you ...photoshop is daunting What a Face
Actually I love Photoshop - I just haven't had the chance to get the hang of it as the person who was teaching me left town. One of these days I shall find PS enlightenment.

Norma wrote: I love the descriptive word you used ... it was one of my favorite words in high school until I was reprimanded by the dorm matron!
I'm afraid I'd have seen that as somewhat of a spur rather than a reprimand! Twisted Evil

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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  Stone Monkey Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:55 pm

Hi Norma

Here are a couple of my suggestions

Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Normap13

Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Normap11

Same sort of pot style that has been suggested generally

Good luck in your pot quest


Stone Monkey
Stone Monkey

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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  John Quinn Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:00 pm

Norma, the pot I presented is one of Horst's...I also like both shown by Andy!
John Quinn
John Quinn

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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  Norma Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:41 pm

Thanks Graham, Great suggestion to bring down the lower branches...something for me to do this winter!!

Andy, The pots you showed with my maple are wonderful. I really like the subtle golden colors! This forum is so fortunate to have such wonderful potters showing us how to bring out the best in our bonsai.

And thank you all for your time and talent!


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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  Velodog2 Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:46 pm

The virtual posted by John is wonderful. I actually had just given the benefit of the doubt on that long right hand branch and assumed you were trying to thicken it up a bit!


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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  fiona Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:05 am

Norma, do you have a pic of the tree in its normal colour rather than the lovely Fall colours it has just now? I'm just wondering about that pot choice and how we're all judging on the basis of autumn hues. I personally like the Horst pot in John's virt best for this, but it would be interesting to see how it went with the summer colour.

Just a wee thought - might be totally inconsequential - based on the fact that I once had an Acer group whose pot looked great in the summer but pretty awful against the trees' autumn colours. You'd think that wasn't possible but it happened.

Still think your tree would look better in Scotland than Minnesota. Laughing

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Pot choice for Acer palmatum? Empty Re: Pot choice for Acer palmatum?

Post  Norma Tue Oct 20, 2009 2:15 am

Sorry Fiona, I have no formal summer photo but the leaves are a medium solid green which would be fine with any of the three pots.

Minnesota to Scotland.....h-m-m-m....nope! Would you settle for knowing a former countryman's descendant is caring for the maple?


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