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practicing bonsai making with these trees

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practicing bonsai making with these trees Empty practicing bonsai making with these trees

Post  joshuelar Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:48 am

practicing bonsai making with these trees 14602710practicing bonsai making with these trees 15445610e_preview.php?i=7&u=18800700]practicing bonsai making with these trees 14602810[/url]practicing bonsai making with these trees 16562710practicing bonsai making with these trees 19395510practicing bonsai making with these trees 19579810practicing bonsai making with these trees 10004010practicing bonsai making with these trees 10154310practicing bonsai making with these trees 10155110practicing bonsai making with these trees 10155510


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practicing bonsai making with these trees Empty Re: practicing bonsai making with these trees

Post  JimLewis Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:10 pm

Did you mean to say anything about these? Are WE supposed to?

And, you say you are from "antique." Do you mean Antigua?

I'm an "antique!"

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practicing bonsai making with these trees Empty Re: practicing bonsai making with these trees

Post  Guest Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:59 pm


I believe Josh is from ANTIQUE PHILIPPINES.

...And what he is trying to say is that "he is practicing bonsai using the posted trees".

jun  Smile


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