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Mountain and snow

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Mountain and snow Empty Mountain and snow

Post  thientrakieu Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:53 am

Hi IBC members
Happy new year
url=]Mountain and snow Img_5210[/url]


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Mountain and snow Empty Re: Mountain and snow

Post  dick benbow Thu Jan 02, 2014 1:11 am

I've noticed a lot of folks have looked at your posting but no responses. So untypical of the stones I think of from Vietnam. It's light color harder to appreciate,I think. Tho, maybe in a display of darker stones it might stand out a little better.As always, thanks for posting...
dick benbow
dick benbow

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Mountain and snow Empty Re: Mountain and snow

Post  thientrakieu Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:18 am

dick benbow wrote:I've noticed a lot of folks have looked at your posting but no responses. So untypical of the stones I think of from Vietnam. It's light color harder to appreciate,I think. Tho, maybe in a display of darker stones it might stand out a little better.As always, thanks for posting...

I agree with you that darker stones are better than light stones. But between the beautiful light stones with the normal daker stones, I will choose the first. Mauy thanks for your comments.


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