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My only suiseki...

Suiseki Bank
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My only suiseki... Empty My only suiseki...

Post  DreadyKGB Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:40 am

Hey All,
So this is the only stone that I have at the moment. I enjoy suiseki but know little about it except what I have learned on the forum here. What do you think of this arrangement?

My only suiseki... Pb090110

My only suiseki... Pb090111

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My only suiseki... Empty Re: My only suiseki...

Post  Suiseki Bank Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:01 am

Very nice:D 
Suiseki Bank
Suiseki Bank

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My only suiseki... Empty Re: My only suiseki...

Post  thientrakieu Sun Nov 10, 2013 8:54 am

DreadyKGB wrote:Hey All,
So this is the only stone that I have at the moment. I enjoy suiseki but know little about it except what I have learned on the forum here. What do you think of this arrangement?

My only suiseki... Pb090110

My only suiseki... Pb090111
Your display is very interesting.


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My only suiseki... Empty Re: My only suiseki...

Post  stonener Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:25 am

Very decent first? display effort! KGB...ThumbsUp 
Bonsai show quality and would make a nice accent(kusamono) piece to a large Bonsai
Nice play on colors, even nicer black mountain stone, beautiful evenly grown moss?...Suspect 
Even could be exhibited as shohin by adding the right size table and scroll, would be a total hit!
Your arrangement speaks of patients and understanding! beginners luck I think not! 
You have done your home work well and the results clearly show it....Basketball 

Last edited by stonener on Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:35 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : -)


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My only suiseki... Empty Re: My only suiseki...

Post  Chris Cochrane Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:41 am

A suiban planted with moss or short grass is usually reserved for displaying a hut stone in Japan-- perhaps, because the moss/grass planting places the object stone in a more-confined (& arguably more representational) scene. A mountain stone-- especially a distant mountain stone with a smooth black surface-- represents greater nature with a tone of unbound space.

I like the view from either perspective but would not combine the limited scene with the boundless scene.

Chris Cochrane
Chris Cochrane

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My only suiseki... Empty Re: My only suiseki...

Post  dick benbow Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:55 pm

Tho certainly (as pointed out) not traditional, BUT I do like the looks of it. The white suiban is quite strong in visual contrast, so I'm not sure
I'd like to see this stone displayed with anything else, but rather solely by itself. In my journey, It's been a struggle to first learn how the japanese set the rules before I feel justified in breaking them. It seems to be a common path for all who set out on this journey.
Thanks for sharing.....
dick benbow
dick benbow

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My only suiseki... Empty Re: My only suiseki...

Post  Kakejiku Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:10 pm

Although not the exact same shape...reminded me of Asozan in Kumamoto Prefecture when I transferred via train from Yatsushiro to Nakatsu. The greenery around this area is superb...
My only suiseki... Aso_pi10

My only suiseki... Mt_aso10

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My only suiseki... Empty Re: My only suiseki...

Post  stonener Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:29 pm

A rule well broken!
Different eyes all seeing the same.
*feeling it*


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My only suiseki... Empty Re: My only suiseki...

Post  DreadyKGB Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:22 pm

Thanks for the feedback. I understand what you mean Chris. I originally wanted to make a small daiza for the stone but just haven't gotten around to it. As I mentioned I know little of the rules surrounding suiseki so I went with what I had. The suiban is actually a pale blue but it doesn't show in the pictures too well. For now it will stay as it is until I am motivated enough to make a daiza.


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