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Newly collected azalea (40-50 years)

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Newly collected azalea (40-50 years) Empty Newly collected azalea (40-50 years)

Post  Arzivenko Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:13 pm

An old guy died and his sons sold the house. Before they cut all trees to start a new building i saved this azalea:

(The box is 50cm wide)
Newly collected azalea (40-50 years) DSC_7287

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Newly collected azalea (40-50 years) Empty Re: Newly collected azalea (40-50 years)

Post  Arzivenko Sat Sep 07, 2013 12:54 am

Today my father gave me some help, this is the 2nd azalea being pulled out.

Newly collected azalea (40-50 years) P1050155

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Newly collected azalea (40-50 years) Empty Re: Newly collected azalea (40-50 years)

Post  Todd Ellis Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:15 am

My back aches just from looking at the root ball! That's a hunk of azalea! Have fun with it!
Todd Ellis
Todd Ellis

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Newly collected azalea (40-50 years) Empty Re: Newly collected azalea (40-50 years)

Post  Arzivenko Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:57 pm

The last four colected trees:

Newly collected azalea (40-50 years) DSC_7288

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Newly collected azalea (40-50 years) Empty Re: Newly collected azalea (40-50 years)

Post  Russell Coker Sat Sep 07, 2013 4:28 pm

Nice azalea(s)! It looks to be the Southern indica 'Formosa'. Please clean and seal your cuts and put a layer of moss or mulch over the base and soil surface until you have plenty of new growth. Plenty of sun is fine but you need to keep the roots shaded and cool. Also, you can wash all of the old heavy soil from the roots and change to good bonsai soil. They are very strong azaleas and won't mind.

Good luck!
Russell Coker
Russell Coker

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