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Collecting Potentilla

Da Swede
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Collecting Potentilla Empty Collecting Potentilla

Post  leatherback Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:01 pm

Hi All,

I have just confirmed purchase of a hedgerow of Potentilla's, which need to be gone by saturday. All in all some 30 plants. Unfortunately, Saturday will also be the start of a hot spell, with full cloudless skies and 25+ celcius. Not ideal.

I know I am not supposed to leave a trench in the guys garden. So.. How to collect.

Curerntly the hedge is some 80cm tall. So first I will reduce in height with the plants in place. Basically bring back to max 10cm branches of the main stem.
Then start on one end, digging the plants out, tapping off the bulk of the soil, and dunking them in a bucket of water. Dig the next. Take the wet tree out, put the dry one in. Bag the wet tree in thin garbage bag and put in the car. All in all I expect to need 2 hours for the dig, and an hours drive home. Starting at 9AM, it will already be warm and sunny I am sure.

At home I will dump them in the garage, and pot them there. Then place them outside behind a hedgerow in full shade out of the wind maybe after sundown.

Would this give the plants the best change of rooting & surviving?
Any advice?

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Collecting Potentilla Empty Re: Collecting Potentilla

Post  Rick36 Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:20 pm

Hi Leatherback! How about taking a quantity of soil/compost with you? You could then dig out each plant with as much soil ball as possible, and backfill the trenches you leave. Seems to me that's going to be a better option than bare rooting at this time of year and with the forecast as it is. Just a thought. Cheers. Rick.


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Collecting Potentilla Empty Re: Collecting Potentilla

Post  JimLewis Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:31 pm

I suggest taking several rolls of paper towels, and putting a soaked wad of them into each bag to keep the roots thoroughly wet. Better yet, wrap the roots in the wet towels.

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Collecting Potentilla Empty Re: Collecting Potentilla

Post  leatherback Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:56 pm

Sometimes sol;utions are so easy you forget about it. Bringing some bags of topsoil would work wonders. Will certainly keep in mind.

Won't paper towels make the roots all tangled in non-digestable stuff?

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Collecting Potentilla Empty Re: Collecting Potentilla

Post  Da Swede Wed Jul 03, 2013 6:19 pm

No, paper towels will decompose within a few months if not weeks in the ground.

Da Swede
Da Swede
Da Swede

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Collecting Potentilla Empty Re: Collecting Potentilla

Post  leatherback Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:43 pm

Well.. All the venom is in the tail. Even though you are prepared, you are never prepared for an owner who will not let you do the work alone.. When I arrived, half of the diggering was done, rudely pulled out lots of plants. In any case.. I managed to get a nice bunch of plants Very Happy

Collecting Potentilla Zomer_10
6 wheelbarows like this..

Collecting Potentilla Zomer_11
My next favorite tree in my collection!

Collecting Potentilla Zomer_12
Looking good?

Collecting Potentilla Zomer_13
The whole bunch.


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Collecting Potentilla Empty Re: Collecting Potentilla

Post  Auballagh Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:50 pm

Awesome, that's nice collection work.
In that last picture they look just like a military formation of new Potentilla Bonsai recruits! Laughing

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Collecting Potentilla Empty Re: Collecting Potentilla

Post  Hoo Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:21 pm

Shocked Looks like a lot of work!

Best of luck and hope a majority survive.  Post updates as they progress.

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Collecting Potentilla Empty Re: Collecting Potentilla

Post  David D Mon Sep 02, 2013 4:06 am

Curious as to how they are doing?
David D
David D

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Collecting Potentilla Empty Re: Collecting Potentilla

Post  my nellie Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:07 am

Me too.
my nellie
my nellie

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Collecting Potentilla Empty Re: Collecting Potentilla

Post  leatherback Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:40 am

I lost 2, and just yestrrday I moved 3 into the full ground, as some larvea had been munching on the roots, and they were dwindling. The rest has partially moved to other owners, or are in my collection awaiting winter. Some 4 weeks ago I swapped the 7 smallest plants for 2 very big ones (10cm trunks) which are now flowering, so I suppose they will live too.

This evening I am taking 5 more to my club evening, and hope to get some to buy them off me. Also, in November I will be at BURRS in the UK, and I have selected 5 specimens to take there. I think the rest I will keep

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Collecting Potentilla Empty Re: Collecting Potentilla

Post  my nellie Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:46 am

I'd say this proved to be a successful task Very Happy 
my nellie
my nellie

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