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Bonsai Potter Showcase #10 Morea Pubben

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Bonsai Potter Showcase #10 Morea Pubben  Empty Bonsai Potter Showcase #10 Morea Pubben

Post  Guest Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:32 pm

Here is my latest Bonsai Potter showcase and if features IBC member Morea... it WAS rather windy when this was filmed.


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Bonsai Potter Showcase #10 Morea Pubben  Empty Re: Bonsai Potter Showcase #10 Morea Pubben

Post  Dale Cochoy Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:39 pm

Thanks Tony.
It was nice to finally hear Moreas voice Smile

Dale Cochoy
Dale Cochoy

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Bonsai Potter Showcase #10 Morea Pubben  Empty Re: Bonsai Potter Showcase #10 Morea Pubben

Post  Mitch Thomas Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:23 am

Thanks for the post Tony!


Mitch Thomas

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Bonsai Potter Showcase #10 Morea Pubben  Empty Re: Bonsai Potter Showcase #10 Morea Pubben

Post  Erik Križovenský Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:21 am

Greetings Ms. Morea and appreciate your cooperation on Burrs 2012. Good luck. Smile
Erik Križovenský
Erik Križovenský

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Bonsai Potter Showcase #10 Morea Pubben  Empty Re: Bonsai Potter Showcase #10 Morea Pubben

Post  Stone Monkey Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:34 pm

Nice one Mr T and Morea


Stone Monkey
Stone Monkey

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