Internet Bonsai Club
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BSOB 10/20/2012

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BSOB 10/20/2012 Empty BSOB 10/20/2012

Post  Billy M. Rhodes Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:01 pm

A few photos from our club meeting last Saturday.
BSOB 10/20/2012 Img_0015
We had a few trees for show and tell. This is a tall Bald Cypress.
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The demo was a Podocarpus and one member brought one in for show and tell
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A nice Black Pine
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This is the demo subject, a fairly large Podocarpus.
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The demo in process. This tree will need to grow out and be worked again in about six months.
This is just a monthly club meeting so not a lot of photos.
Billy M. Rhodes
Billy M. Rhodes

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BSOB 10/20/2012 Empty Re: BSOB 10/20/2012

Post  Sam Ogranaja Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:04 pm

Thanks for posting Billy. I love that Black Pine.

Have a great week!!!
Sam Ogranaja
Sam Ogranaja

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