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Korean Boxwood second styling

Russell Coker
9 posters

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Korean Boxwood second styling - Page 2 Empty Re: Korean Boxwood second styling

Post  jersanct Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:41 pm

Hello Bob...don't worry about my doesn't matter to me one way or the other, really. And thank you for the compliment. I don't know--I'm not questioning you, I'm just saying that I truly don't know--if we can tell much from the leaf size, because all of my leaves are in various stages of reduction, and I don't know if the size of your leaves has been affected by your years of cultivation, but the shape looks different than yours, as you say. Thanks for posting the photo. I may post some close-up photos of my leaves later, too, and maybe one of you can confirm what I have.

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Korean Boxwood second styling - Page 2 Empty Re: Korean Boxwood second styling

Post  Russell Coker Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:11 pm

"Korean" boxwood...

Korean Boxwood second styling - Page 2 Harlan13

"Japanese" boxwood...

Korean Boxwood second styling - Page 2 Aaaaaa11

Russell Coker
Russell Coker

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Korean Boxwood second styling - Page 2 Empty Re: Korean Boxwood second styling

Post  BrianG Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:47 pm

One of nices looking boxwoods i've seen. Thanks for sharing.

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Korean Boxwood second styling - Page 2 Empty Re: Korean Boxwood second styling

Post  pjkatich Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:44 am

Your boxwood is coming along very nicely.

I can see you made good progress with it over the summer.


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Korean Boxwood second styling - Page 2 Empty Re: Korean Boxwood second styling

Post  jersanct Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:31 pm

Brian and Paul - thanks very much for your compliments. Paul, we'll see if it's ready for your pot in the Spring or not. I might decide to keep the guy wires (anchored to the nursery pot) in place for a while longer, but I can't wait to see how it looks in the pot. I think it has developed fairly quickly over the summer--I'm amazed at how quickly you can develop boxwood and reduce the leaves, and I'm surprised that it isn't used for bonsai more often. I believe you have told me that you are a boxwood fan, right?

Russell - thank you for posting the photos. Definitely my leaves don't have that indentation at the tip that the Korean box has in your photos. Then again, Bob's Korean box leaves don't have those indentations, either! So we've solved that, then. Sort of. This is nearly as fun as the debate we've had over on my Niigata yew thread.

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Korean Boxwood second styling - Page 2 Empty Re: Korean Boxwood second styling

Post  Bob Pressler Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:18 pm

jersanct wrote:Brian and Paul - thanks very much for your compliments. Paul, we'll see if it's ready for your pot in the Spring or not. I might decide to keep the guy wires (anchored to the nursery pot) in place for a while longer, but I can't wait to see how it looks in the pot. I think it has developed fairly quickly over the summer--I'm amazed at how quickly you can develop boxwood and reduce the leaves, and I'm surprised that it isn't used for bonsai more often. I believe you have told me that you are a boxwood fan, right?

Russell - thank you for posting the photos. Definitely my leaves don't have that indentation at the tip that the Korean box has in your photos. Then again, Bob's Korean box leaves don't have those indentations, either! So we've solved that, then. Sort of. This is nearly as fun as the debate we've had over on my Niigata yew thread.

Maybe we have north and south Korean varieties.....Smile
Bob Pressler
Bob Pressler

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Korean Boxwood second styling - Page 2 Empty Re: Korean Boxwood second styling

Post  jersanct Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:33 am

Bob Pressler wrote:Maybe we have north and south Korean varieties.....:)

I nominate Bob for November Comment of the Month.

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