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Good Juniper Material?

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Good Juniper Material? Empty Good Juniper Material?

Post  Cliff D Sat Oct 07, 2017 11:57 pm

I am new to bonsai and found a local nursery owner who has a large number of old variegated junipers. They have beautiful trunks and nice curves, but they were crowded in together and have long spindly branches. The issue is that I don't know how hard it will be to get back budding. How long would it take and is it possible to get these full enough to cut them back to a nice size? I have purchased two of them. Are these good bonsai material and should I buy more? Any suggestions on increasing vigor and causing back budding would be greatly appreciated.

Also, are variegated Junipers desirable and how much would these trees be worth in their current state?

First Tree:

Good Juniper Material? Oq8h19g
Good Juniper Material? QX6Txi1
Good Juniper Material? NxgZZgg
Good Juniper Material? 8Ho4F53

Second Tree:

Good Juniper Material? GghKInN
Good Juniper Material? Mj6nRCo
Good Juniper Material? 6K4VUew
Good Juniper Material? BdcsGVT
Good Juniper Material? 3osnnH7

Cliff D

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Good Juniper Material? Empty back budding?

Post  breck Fri Mar 02, 2018 7:29 pm

Personally I do not like verigated Bonsai they tend to look poorly most of the time. Not sure what Juniper this is but it has been kept in the shade far too much hence all the moss on the branches and trunks. I see some back budding so guess it will given sun, and feed. The other problem is hard juvenile foliage , you will always have a battle to get rid of this . Good luck


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Good Juniper Material? Empty Re: Good Juniper Material?

Post  BrendanR Wed Mar 21, 2018 1:17 pm

Don't buy any more.  These will be a long term project.  Lots of sun, plenty of feeding once they are in active growth, and make sure the top growth does not shade out the inner branches.  

I have one I have spent years nurturing, and I forget why I bothered:

June 2014:

Good Juniper Material? 33185000741_a637b27b57IMAG0398 by BrendanR2012, on Flickr

September 2017:

Good Juniper Material? 37238849912_a12ed32d0e20170923_184545 by BrendanR2012, on Flickr


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