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Broom Style in Serissa

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Broom Style in Serissa Empty Broom Style in Serissa

Post  cmd5235 Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:49 pm

Hey all,

Quick question. I've never attempted the broom style before, and was wondering if it would work on serissa, given their growth habits. Now I know most of you may cringe at the idea of serissa (they die too easy!) but rest assured, I've been at this for quite a few years, and have been able to successfully keep certain varieties of them alive and growing very well for years straight. Thanks!


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Broom Style in Serissa Empty Re: Broom Style in Serissa

Post  cmd5235 Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:52 pm

I should add the reason I ask is I've been able to develop very nice foliage pads, but have a challenge in developing and keeping leafy vertical growth that wasn't too thin, suffering from die back from lack of light, or that generally didn't look too think and spaced out.


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