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anywhere around Oakland that I can see viewing stones ?

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anywhere around Oakland that I can see viewing stones ? Empty anywhere around Oakland that I can see viewing stones ?

Post  wen Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:02 am

I am attending a conference in Oakland CA, and I am planning to visit the Utah National Park after March 29th, and come back at April 2nd.
Anyone can tell me anywhere around Oakland that I can see viewing stones ?

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anywhere around Oakland that I can see viewing stones ? Empty Viewing Stone Display Oakland CA area

Post  Robert Taylor Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:43 am

If you can get to San Francisco there used to be a display in Japantown in the area ( I think the hotel) near the Asian Grocery. Other location was a shop on Grant St on the hill in Chinatown that used to sell Chrysanthemum stones. Just up a way from Sutter St. if my memory is correct. I haven't been there since 2004 so perhaps someone can update. There are bonsai clubs in those areas that you could contact and
Also found:
and you could contact Janet Roth, I found her on a net search.

Suiseki Art
by Mas Nakajima and Janet Roth

Robert Taylor

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anywhere around Oakland that I can see viewing stones ? Empty Re: anywhere around Oakland that I can see viewing stones ?

Post  wen Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:49 am

Hi, Robert
Thank you very much!
I just visited China Town yesterday, and spend only a few minutes and hurried to the bart station to go back to Oakland before evening. I was told that Oakland streets are crowded with robbers when it is dark Smile
I will try to go to the several places you recommmended in San Frasisco. It is very conenient by bart and muni.

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anywhere around Oakland that I can see viewing stones ? Empty well close by there is

Post  stonener Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:35 am

There is a collection of Bonsai, suiseki and viewing stones at Menlow Park in the City of Berkeley.
The Bay Area is a hot bed for suiseki in every direction.
You can take Bart(public transportation)across the Bay into San Francisco,
famous suiseki club "San Francisco Suiseki Kai" their Suiseki Exhibition in April at Cherry Blossom Festival.
Social Hall of the San Francisco Japan Center Union Bank of California, club workshop and study group meetings,
second Thursday every month. check with

for many more sites or information you can contact, their email is
just read others have offered good information and contacts as well, while I was posting.

but my friend if you want to collect real suiseki, there is no better contact than, his email
in near by Sonora Ca. (1-209-586-2881)
you will never want to leave his place... affraid

Last edited by stonener on Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:52 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : add, correct)


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anywhere around Oakland that I can see viewing stones ? Empty Re: anywhere around Oakland that I can see viewing stones ?

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