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Progression - Taxus Collected from a Hedge

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progression - Progression - Taxus Collected from a Hedge Empty Progression - Taxus Collected from a Hedge

Post  ericrobinson Sat Feb 04, 2012 2:00 am

In 2006 I collected this Taxus from a hedge (along with 5 others). I planted the tree in a free-draining mix and let it recover and grow for 3 years. I repotted it in 2009 to remove the clay soil.

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In 2010 I trimmed the tree back to produce backbudding.
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In 2011 I did a preliminary wiring with minor adjustments in January 2012.
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A virtual of the tree filled out in 2012. The tree has great nebari just below the surface and a 4.5" trunk at the base.
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progression - Progression - Taxus Collected from a Hedge Empty Re: Progression - Taxus Collected from a Hedge

Post  ericrobinson Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:26 pm

Potted this tree into its bonsai pot this summer (July) and put into light shade for several weeks. Didn't miss a beat. With some more refinement it should be show-ready.

Many nurseries will dig Taxus from the field in summer after the current season's growth has hardened off. What also helped me for July potting is that several years ago I had cut down a nursery container to plant it in for training. (see prior picture above) I didn't have to remove much of the root ball to plant it in the bonsai pot. Virt (2nd pic) shows where the current deadwood is where I've touched-up the pic with white. It has not yet been treated with lime sulphur.

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progression - Progression - Taxus Collected from a Hedge Empty Re: Progression - Taxus Collected from a Hedge

Post  ericrobinson Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:24 pm

Tree on display at the 33rd Ohio Regional Bonsai Show at Dawes Arboretum, June 8th-9th.

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