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California Juniper

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California Juniper Empty California Juniper

Post  mike page Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:16 pm

A friend gave me this California Juniper about 3 years ago, because it wasn't doing well in her yard. I think it's because she has too much shade.
I immediately repotted it and crossed my fingers. As expected, it was slow to respond, but respond it did. Today I've been doing a little trimming, cleaning up the jin and shari, and applying lime-sulfer. No wire yet. That will be the last thing done before showing it. For now all training is by pinching to promote more new growth.

The height from pot rim is about 18 inches. Circumference of trunk about 22 inches.


California Juniper Valcal10
mike page
mike page

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California Juniper Empty Re: California Juniper

Post  Nik Rozman Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:35 am

This will shorelly become a nice bonsai.
Nik Rozman
Nik Rozman

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